Team:ITB INDONESIA/post-wetlab

Post Wetlab Modelling


Now, the concentration of lactose is high enough to remove Lac I and the E. coli can start to produce T7. We use this event as the beginning of the model, and we conclude that the lactose act as the activator for this reaction. Also at this event, we assume that every Lac I has been removed from all of the Lac operator, including the one at pT7.

First we need to create the mathematical model for the production rate of T7. Using hill function for activator, we can model the T7 as:

After we finished the model for T7, we create the model for transcription rate of the mRNA RHL A&B . Assuming that for every pT7 exist an operator and it can only produce rhl A&B when it is supplied by T7, we can use hill function for activator as the base for the mathematical model for mRNA_(rhl A&B):

We create model for rhl A&B by using linier model. We assume that rhl A&B is only affected by mRNA and the degradation rate.

To model the production rate of HAA, we use mass action law. The change rate of HAA is affected by the fatty acid and rhamnolipid. The concentration of HAA will increase because HAA is produced by fatty acid but it will decrease because it was used to produce rhamnolipid .

v1 is the production rate of HAA from two fatty acid, from this information we can use hill function with hill constant=2 because we need two fatty acid to produce one HAA and v2 is the production rate of Rhamnolipid from HAA and we can use michaelis-menten equation for this rate. We assume that the concentration of rhl A=rhl B = 0.5 * rhl A&B and fatty acid is constantly available. So we have this model:

For the last model we have two substrate kinetics and one product. For this reaction, we assume that the rhamnose is constant but it is not saturating B and fatty acid is constantly available. So we can use steady state kinetics with some modification from Michaelis-Menten equation:

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