

Webshell provides a basic interface to use the OpenScope. The difference to standard microscopy software? It is web based - can be accessed by multiple people at once and remotely.

Functionality of the WebShell

Live stream window

The user sees the live stream from the OpenScope Raspberry Pi Camera.

Camera controls

Hold and Release: these buttons start/stop the streamer process. Press these if you accidentally unplug the Raspberry Pi camera during use, to refresh the stream. Also come useful if another program needs access to the camera.

High-Res: this button interrupts the stream to capture a 3MP png image

Quick JPEG: captures a snapshot directly from the stream (in jpg format, with lower resolution) - the advantage of this command is that it responds faster that the High-Res capture, and the image is exactly as viewed in the streamer

(Note: High resolution pictures sometimes appear differently coloured in comparison to the picture in the stream. This is due to camera white balance adaptation settings.)

Live stream

The user sees the live stream from the OpenScope Raspberry Pi Camera.