
From left: Dr Julien, Ye, Dr Sean, Josh, Cara, Vilija, Dimitra, Mhairi, Adele, James, Charlotte, Andrey, Dr Steph

Meet our Team members

Mhairi Davidson
Studies: Genetics

Hi, I'm Mhairi, and I'm an undergraduate student at University of Glasgow studying Genetics. After I graduate, I plan to do a PhD.

Andrey Filipov
Studies: Genetics

Heya! I’m Andrey, a 22-year-old Genetics student at the University of Glasgow. Taking part in the University’s iGEM team has been an amazing and incredibly rewarding experience. Thanks to my supervisors and teammates I learned how to take care of a lab and conduct experiments, while surrounded by love and positivity. This have helped me maintain a genuine and long-lasting attraction to Biological Sciences. I hope this experience helps me become a Dr. Dre of Life Sciences.

Ye Yang
Studies: Biomedical Engineering

Hi, my name is Ye Yang, and in my most of the lab time, I'm coding with our wiki pages. I'm quite happy with this experience, apparently before iGEM I have no idea how to deal with the website things, but after the whole summer learning HTML, CSS, I think now I can play with it. For my future plan about my study career, I'm trying to do well in GRE test, and hoping to study in an American school next year.

Adele Cook
Studies: Biomedical Engineering

Charlotte Flynn
Studies: Genetics

Hi, I’m Charlotte! I’m 20 years old and I am a Genetics student at the University of Glasgow. This summer participating in iGEM has taught me how to effectively use time in the lab and has greatly strengthened my experimental technique. Thanks to my teammates I have also smiled and laughed the most I have during a rainy Glasgow summer! After my forth year I plan to do a PhD and then take time out to travel the world and share valuable life experiences with those close to me.

Vilija Lomeikaitė
Studies: Genetics

Hi, I’m Vilija! I’m a Genetics student at the University of Glasgow and the tallest member of our team (I can get you that flask from the top shelf). Thanks to the iGEM and despite all the rain, I had the best summer of learning, falling in love with science and making friends with these crazy and sweet people known as my teammates and supervisors. After graduation, I plan to use iGEM experience and successfully utilise E. coli in the synthesis of the Philosopher’s stone. Or do a PhD – I’m still trying to decide!

Dimitra Lountzi
Studies: Genetics

Hello, I'm Dimitra and I'm one of the geneticists in the team! This summer, I gave up the glorious greek sun to participate in iGEM, and hey, no regrets at all! During the project I worked mostly on the repressors and the bi-stable switch. After I graduate my plan is to do a PhD (preferably somewhere warm) and to travel.

Cara Seggie
Studies: Molecular & Cellular Biology

Hi there! I'm Cara, I'm 20 years old and I study Molecular & Cellular Biology here at Glasgow University. For me, being able to be part of Team Glasgow for IGEM 2015 has been an amazing experience. I have learned how to plan ahead and work efficiently in a scientific environment along side my other team members, who have all become good friends. After I graduate, I plan on taking some time out of studying to travel and see the world, and then return to do a PhD. In the future I hope to work in Cancer or Cardiovascular Research.

Josh Hanson
Studies: Molecular & Cellular Biology

Hi I’m Josh and I am one of the team’s molecular cell biologists. Being part of the Glasgow team has been a really helpful preparation for my undergrad project next year .When I graduate I hope to take a PhD in plant science hopefully in the area of either food or fuel security.

James Provan
Studies: Genetics

Max Derksen
Studies: Astrophysics

Hi I'm Max, I volunteered my summer to help code the wiki. Quote of the project: "don't change my functions!" Meddling biologists......

Meet our Supervisors!

Dr Sean Colloms

While not walking in the Scottish Highlands and shoulder crunching at prehistoric stone circles, Sean likes to tie knots in DNA and dream up new applications for DNA transposition and site-specific recombination.

Dr Julien Reboud

Julien's current research interests have a focus on integrating biology and engineering for the benefits of healthcare and industry. Two of his focuses are Acoustofluidics (for sample manipulation), and of course, synthetic biology.

Professor Marshall Stark

Marshall's main research interest is site-specific recombination. He also has an impressive collection of amusing facts and anecdotes, which were excellent at distracting us from important lab work.

Dr Steph Holt

Steph has a PhD in Molecular Genetics and is interested in molecular biology and in synthetic biology and its applications. When not playing video games or training in Taekwondo, Steph can usually be found demonstrating in undergraduate labs.


Bower Building, Wilkins Teaching Laboratory
University of Glasgow
University Avenue
G12 8QQ

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