

The Forensic Toolkit

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Forensic Toolkit

Our forensic toolkit, most importantly, puts science first. Through the use of synthetic biology technologies, our project has aimed to lay the foundations for the development of a set of new and improved forensic methods.


In order to gain a deeper insight into the field of forensics, we liaised with a diverse mix of professionals, from criminal lawyers to crime writers, who kindly shared with us their advice and expertise.

About Us

We are an eclectic group of Dundee University students who undertake studies in a broad range of scientific disciplines. We are all united by our common passion for the application of our scientific knowledge in a creative and progressive manner.


Distinction between different body fluids at a crime scene currently requires the use of numerous time consuming methods. Our BioSpray aims to provide an efficient, all in one solution that can be used to detect and distinguish between body fluids based on fluorescent nanobead technology in combination with synthetic biology.

Fingerprint Aging

One of the biggest challenges currently facing forensic scientists is the ability to determine the age of fingerprints left at crime scenes. This is due to the extensive range of factors which affect fingerprint composition therefore, through the use of complex mathematical modelling, we hope to identify a potential target within fingerprints that could be reliably targeted using synthetic biology and correlated to an appropriate time scale.

Chromate Sensor

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.
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What it does

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.

How it does this

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.

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What it does

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate.


Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.
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What it does

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.

How it does this

Praesent gravida justo quis faucibus vulputate. Cras hendrerit varius dui, a molestie ligula imperdiet quis.

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Dundee University