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- <p><b>Dr. Lynn J. Rothschild</b>, an astrobiologist and synthetic biologist at NASA Ames R ...n Biology. This is his third year as an iGEM mentor and as a member of Dr. Lynn Rothschild’s lab. When he’s not whipping the team into shape, he enjoys14 KB (1,981 words) - 03:57, 18 October 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> ...Colatskie</b>, <b>Anthony Elliot</b>, <b>Dr. Sarah Hooper</b>, and <b>Dr. Lynn Robbins</b>, made the event possible.</p>16 KB (1,932 words) - 20:31, 18 September 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> ...o prevent its spread in our own state, which has been deeply affected. Dr. Lynn Robbins of Missouri State University introduced bats' lifestyles and severa16 KB (1,996 words) - 05:13, 20 November 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> <p id="credit" onmousemove="mouse(event)">Missouri cave photo by Lynn Dieter<br />Northern Long-Eared bat photo by Scott Bergeson<br />White-Nose15 KB (1,801 words) - 03:23, 19 September 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> <p id="credit" >Missouri cave photo by Lynn Dieter</p>76 KB (13,713 words) - 05:09, 20 November 2015
- <p><b>Dr. Lynn J. Rothschild</b></p>11 KB (1,403 words) - 03:35, 25 August 2015
- <p><b>Dr. Lynn J. Rothschild</b></p>13 KB (1,630 words) - 21:54, 25 August 2015
- Jansen, Karl L. R.; Theron, Lynn (2006): Ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine, and date rape (drug-facilitated se18 KB (2,796 words) - 22:04, 2 November 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> <p id="credit" onmousemove="mouse(event)">Missouri cave photo by Lynn Dieter</p>13 KB (1,508 words) - 03:45, 19 September 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> <p id="credit" onmousemove="mouse(event)">Missouri cave photo by Lynn Dieter</p>15 KB (1,879 words) - 20:30, 18 September 2015
- .../2015/d/d1/Mstigem_cave_background.jpg" alt="Missouri cave photographed by Lynn Dieter" /> <p id="credit" onmousemove="mouse(event)">Missouri cave photo by Lynn Dieter</p>14 KB (1,632 words) - 20:31, 18 September 2015
- <tr><td>Lynn</td>12 KB (1,779 words) - 00:56, 19 September 2015