

iRIf Labjournal August

Distinguish between different antigen/antibody interaction (GFP, mouse, rabbit) (on PDITC) [finished]

31.08.2015 (spotted) spotting pattern:

slides: 424, 012

# spot Concentration
1 GFP 0.5 mg/ml
2 anti HCV (rabbit) 0.5 mg/ml
3 anti Tetanus (mouse) 0.5 mg/ml

slide: 254

# spot Concentration
1 GFP 1 mg/ml
2 anti HCV (rabbit) 1 mg/ml
3 anti Tetanus (mouse) 1 mg/ml

01.09.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306003 ug/ml
anti- rabbit 630600
anti- mouse 830600
Slide 12: ROI selection, ROIs were selected in similar manner for the other slides
Slide 12: Binding curves
Slide 257: Binding curves
Slide 424: Binding curves

Affibody (Stockholm cooporation)

30.08.2015 (spotted)

spotting pattern:


# spot Concentration
1-3 rhErbB2/Fc100 µg/ml
4 GFP (desalt) 1 mg/ml
5 Tetanus antigene 100 µg/ml

31.08.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306001,5 ug/ml
Affibody6209001:3 diluted
Anti-His103060020 ug/ml

As can be seen in the evaluation of the binding curves (slide 315), the affibody did not bind to the antigen or it is too small to be detected with iRIf. Anti-His confirmed antigen presence on the slides.

Slide 315: ROI selection
Slide 315: Binding curves

Measuring own blood (Tet (-) / Tet (+)) on PDITC

30.08.2015 (spotted) Slides: 2 slides, 303, 466 Tet (-): 303, 466

Spotting pattern:

# spot Concentration
1 pos. control (GFP) 0.5 mg/ml
2 neg. con (Salmonella) (1.24 mg/ml) desalt 1:3 diluted
3 Tetanus (0.46 mg/ml) desalt undiluted

31.08.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306001.5 ug/ml
Serum SIG002 (-)6209001:10 (466) 1:20 (303)
Slide 466: Roi selection
Slide 466: Binding curves
Slide 303: Binding curves

Distinguish between different antigen/antibody interaction (Salmonella) (on PDITC)

29.08.2015 (spotted)

Spotting pattern:

# spot Concentration
1 pos. control (GFP) 1 mg/ml
2 neg. control (mCherry) 1mg/ml
3 Salmonella Antigen (15) undiluted

Slides: 208, 216, 423, 500

208: with PBS 423: with TBS 216: with TBS 500: with TBS (changed flush protocol: 1 ug/ml a-GFP; and used anti-Salmonella lysate 1:2 diluted in 5 mg/ml BSA in TBS)

30.08.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306003 ug/ml
anti-Salmonella (13, desalt)6309001:2 Dilution in 5 mg/ml BSA in PBS
Slide 216: ROI selection; ROI selection was done in similar manner for the other slides
Slide 216: Binding curves
Slide 208: Binding curves
Slide 423: Binding curves
Slide 500: Binding curves

Measuring own blood (Tetanus unimmunized vs. immunized) on PDITC

29.08.2015 (spotted) Slides: 24, 287, 426, 443

Spotting pattern:

# spot Concentration
1 pos. control (GFP) 1 mg/ml
2 neg. con (Salmonella) desalt 1:3
3 Tetanus desalt undiluted

30.08.2015 (measured)

Slides: 287, 24 (with Serum (-)) #287: Serum (-) was diluted only 1:10; changed to 1:30 because Serum(-) quite high Signal at negative control and Tetanus spot Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306001,5 ug/ml
Serum (-) Sig0026309001:30 diluted in 5 mg/ml BSA in PBS

Slides: 426,443 (with Serum (+)) Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306001,5 ug/ml
Serum (+) Sig0026309001:30 diluted in 5 mg/ml BSA in PBS

Note: Slide 426 looked nicest

Slide 287: ROI selection; ROIs of the other slides were chosen in similar manner
Slide 24: Binding curves
Slide 287: Binding curves
Slide 426: Binding curves
Slide 443: Binding curves

Measuring on-slide cellfree expressed GFP (Kokos Mix, AG Roth Mix, Reticolozytes Mix)

#254: retikulozyte #12: roth #423: koko

27.08.2015 (spotted) Check out surface chemistry: Experiment 61: DNA on PDMS 6.0 for previous treatment

28.08.2015 (measured)

Flush Protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26045010 mg/ml
anti-GFP4306003 ug/ml
strep-cy56603005 ug/ml

Plateready after iRIf showed cy5 signal at some spots on every slide. This means (probably) that the biotinylated a-GFP bound to GFP. Looking at the cy5 spots, analogous areas in RIfs were taken for spot evaluation. Spot evaluation showed anti-GFP binding (but less signal) to GFP in every case. → On slide expression of GFP at least seemed to work to a little amount

Slide 12 (expressed with AG Roth mix): Platereader cy5 signal after iRIf
Slide 12 (expressed with AG Roth mix): ROI selection
Slide 12 (expressed with AG Roth mix): Binding curves

Slide 254 (expressed with retikulozyte mix): Platereader cy5 signal after iRIf
Slide 254 (expressed with retikulozyte mix): ROI selection
Slide 254 (expressed with retikulozyte mix): Binding curves

Slide 423 (expressed with Koko mix): Platereader cy5 signal after iRIf
Slide 423 (expressed with Koko mix): ROI selection
423 (expressed with Koko mix): Binding curves

Measuring on-slide cellfree expressed GFP

25.08.2015 (spotted) spotting pattern:

slide-#: 429, 424

# spot Concentration
1-3 MM + DNA
4-5 MM - DNA)
6 GFP (off-slide cell free expressed)
7 His-GFP desalt. ~1 mg/mL
8 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml

spotting pattern:

slide-#: 500

# spot Concentration
1-3 MM + DNA
4-6 MM - DNA
7-8 MM + DNA (off-slide cell free expressed, 15 µl reachtion )
10 His-GFP desalt. ~1 mg/mL
11 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml

26.08.2015 (measured)

Flush Protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26045010 mg/ml
Anti-GFP (goat, biotinylated)4306003 ug/ml
StrepCy56303005 ug/ml

Only slide 500 was evaluated. Slide 424 and 429 showed very bad surface during measurements which was wiped off → Difficult to evaluate Slide 500: spots 4 and 8 had to be excluded from evaluation.

Slide 500: ROI selection
Slide 500: Binding curves

Measuring cellfree expressed Tetanus antigen

25.08.2015 (spotted) spotting pattern:

slide-#: 216

# spot Concentration
1 B+ (1)
2 B+ (2)
3 B+ (3)
4 B- (1)
5 B- (2)
6 K+ (1)
7 His-GFP desalt. ~0.5 mg/mL
8 His-GFP lysate
9 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml
10 K-
11 BSA

slide-#: 208

# spot Concentration
1 K+ (1)
2 K+ (2)
3 K+ (3)
4 K- (1)
5 K- (2)
6 B+ (1)
7 His-GFP desalt. ~0.5 mg/mL
8 His-GFP lysate
9 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml
10 B-
11 BSA

26.08.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (PBS)1604501x
BSA 26045010 mg/ml
Buffer (PBS)3604501x
Anti-Tetanus (goat, pk)43060025 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)5603001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, Goat)6306003 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)7603001x
Anti-Goat8306005 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)9603001x
StrepCy510303005 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)11603001x

Slide 208: Only 5 spots (spot 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9) could be evaluated.

Slide 208: ROI selection
Slide 216: ROI selection
Slide 208: Binding curves
Slide 216: Binding curves

Measuring own blood: not vaccinated / vaccinated Tetanus samples

21.08.2015 (spotted) spotting pattern:

slide-#: 287, 504

# spot Concentration
1-2 Tetanus (11) desalt 460 µg/mL
3-4 Tetanus (11) desalt 100 µg/mL
5-6 Tetanus (11) desalt 20 µg/mL
7-8 His-GFP desalt. ~0.5 mg/mL
9 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml
10-11 Tetanus (11) lysate

22.08.2015 (measured)

Flush protocol slide 287

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (PBS)1607201x
BSA 26090010 mg/ml
Buffer (PBS)3606001x
Serum rabbit Anti-GFP4306001:330
Buffer (PBS)5603001x
Serum (+) SIG0026306001:10
Buffer (PBS)7603001x
Anti-Human8603001,5 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)9603001x

no Strep-Cy5 was flushed over slide –> no scanner Pictures

Flush protocol slide 504

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (PBS)1607201x
BSA 26090010 mg/ml
Buffer (PBS)3606001x
Serum (-) SIG0024306001:10
Buffer (PBS)5603001x
Serum (+) SIG0026306001:10
Buffer (PBS)7603001x
Anti-Human8603001 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)9603001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, Goat)10603003 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)11603001x
Strep-Cy512603005 ug/ml
Buffer (PBS)13603001x
Slide 287: Selection of ROI
Slide 287: Binding curves

Slide 504: Selection of ROI
Slide 504: Binding curves

→ detection of Tetanus antibodys from blood serum after vaccination is possible
→ huge cross reactivity with bBSA spot

Measuring with rabbit serum (immunized with GFP)

18.08.2015 (spotted) 19.08.2015 (measured)

# spot Concentration
1-2 His-GFP (cellfree expressed))
3 His-GFP desalt. 0.2 mg/ml
4-5 neg. control (cellfree Expression without DNA)
6-7 His-mCherry lysate 1:10
8-9 His-GFP lysate 1:10
10 BSA 0.2 mg/ml
11 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml

5 Slides Ni-NTA

  1. 3X (Slide 208,216,504) Serum(-)/Serum(+),
  2. 2x (Slide 500,424) Serum (-)/a-GFP)

2 Slides (315 & 502) PDITC (2x Serum(-)/Serum(+))

Flush protocol Measuring with Serum (-) [not immunized] and Serum (+) [immunized]/a-GFP:

Reagent # Flowrate Priming time Concentration
BSA26078010 mg/ml
Serum (-)430600
Serum (+)/a-GFP630600 3 ug/ml
anti-Rabbit8306005 ug/ml
Strep Cy5103060005 ug/ml

* 2 ul volume of serum (-) and serum (+) was used for the experiments on PDITC * 5 ul volume of serum (-) and serum (+) was used for the experiments on Ni-NTA

His-GFP lysate quite weak intensity –> maybe too much diluted Kokos cell free expressed GFP works fine on Ni-NTA; does not work on PDITC –> thats good → specific surface

Evaluation (not all slides are shown here):

Ni-NTA Serum (-) / Serum (+)

Slide 208: Selection of ROIs
Slide 208: Binding curves
Slide 502: Selection of ROIs
Slide 502: Binding curves

PDITC Serum (-) / Serum (+)

Slide 315: Selection of ROIs
Slide 315: Binding curves
Slide 502: Selection of ROIs
Slide 502: Binding curves

Ni-NTA (control) Serum (-) / a-GFP

Slide 424: Selection of ROIs
Slide 424: Binding curves

The relative intensity shift for the three approaches (Serum(-)Serum(+) on Ni-NTA ; Serum(-)Serum(+) on PDITC; Serum(-)a-GFP on Ni-NTA) were compared. As expected and seen in the binding curves cellfree expression Mix (His-GFP) shows no signal on PDITC (other proteins within the mix bind to the surface) but on specific Ni-NTA surface. Taken amount of serum performs less (2-3 fold) than 3 ug/ml a-GFP.

Evaluation of the relative intensity shift. From left to right spot 1-11. For each spot rel. intensity shift is plotted with bars for Serum(-)flush and Serum(+)/a-GFP
Emission within 532nm channel (mCherry) after iRIf measurement. Averaged over all samples.
Emission within 635nm channel (Cy5) after iRIf measurement. Averaged over all samples

Measuring cellfree expressed GFP

Spotting (Slide 303):

Spot Protein Number of spots Concentration
1-2 BK foil 1 2 unknown
3-4 neg foil 1 2 unknown
5-6 BK 1 2 unknown
7 GFP-His (Max) 1 0.5 mg/ml
8 GFP-His desalt 1 0.5 mg/ml
9 bBSA 1 0.2 mg/ml
10-11 neg 1 1 unknown

Spotting (Slide 429):

Spot Protein Number of spots Concentration
1-2 BK foil 2 2 unknown
3-4 neg foil 2 2 unknown
5-6 BK 2 2 unknown
7 GFP-His (Max) 1 0.5 mg/ml
8 GFP-His lysate 1 ~0.2 mg/ml
9 bBSA 1 0.2 mg/ml
10-11 neg 2 1 unknown
Slide 303: Selection of ROIs
Slide 303: Binding curves
Slide 429: Selection of ROIs
Slide 429: Binding curves

Measuring Halo Slides (GFP dilution series)


Spot Protein Concentration
1-2 Halo GFP 0.5 mg/ml
3-4 Halo GFP 0.1 mg/ml
5-6 Halo GFP0.02 mg/ml
7 bBSA0.2 mg/ml
8 Halo mCherry 0.5 mg/ml
9 His-GFP (Max)0.5 mg/ml
10 His Halo GFP (Piehler, pos. control) 0.25 mg/ml
11 His GFP (Piehler, neg. control)0.25 mg/ml

Flush protocol:

Reagent # Flowrate Priming time Concentration
BSA26072010 mg/ml
anti-GFP (goat, biot.)4306003 ug/ml
StrepCy56306005 ug/ml

For Evaluation see labjournal surface chemistry

Measuring Kokos cellfree expressed His-GFP on Ni-NTA



# spot Concentration
1-3 HA-GFP-2x6His (cellfree expressed))
4-6 neg. control (cellfree Expression without DNA)
7-8 His-GFP Lysate
9 n. T. GFP Lysate)
10 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml
11 Max GFP 0.5 mg/ml

Flush protocol:

Reagent # Flowrate Priming time Concentration
BSA26078010 mg/ml
anti HA4404505 ug/ml
anti GFP6404503 ug/ml
Strep Cy58404505 ug/ml
Roi selection Exp. 46b: Spot 11 couldnt be selected due to air bubble on it
Binding curves of Exp. 46b for all spots
Binding curves of Exp. 46b only for spots 1-6

Spot 11 couldnt be evaluated due to air on it. Spot 1-3 show a-HA binding (weak but clear) and good a-GFP binding → successful cellfree expression No strepcy5 binding can be detected: Tube to flowchamber pulled off just before that step….

Antigens on Ni-NTA


spotting pattern:

Dilute antigens in TBS (if necessary)!

Dilute antibodies in TBS –> BSA in TBS

2 replicates on PDITC: (024 & 502)

Spot Protein Number of spots Concentration
1-2 pET_1003 (HCV) desalt 2 ~0.33 mg/ml
3-4 pET_1703 (HIV) desalt 2 ~0.62 mg/ml
5-6 pIG_1501 (Salmonella) desalt 2 ~1,24 mg/ml (1:2) ~0.62mg/ml
7 GFP-His (Max) 1 0.5 mg/ml
8 GFP-His desalt 1 0.5 mg/ml
9 GFP-His lysate 1 ~0.2 mg/ml
10 bBSA 1 0.2 mg/ml
11 BSA 1 0.2 mg/ml

2 Replicates on NiNTA (501&500)

Spot Protein Number of Spots Concentration
1-2 pET_1003 (HCV) lysate 2 ~0.08 mg/ml
3-4 pET_1003 (HCV) desalt 2 ~0.33 mg/ml
5 pET_1703 (HIV) lysate 1 ~0.15 mg/ml
6 pET_1703 (HIV) desalt 1 ~0.62 mg/ml
7 His-GFP (Max) 1 0.5 mg/ml
8 His-GFP lysate 1 ~0.2 mg/ml
9 bBSA 1 0.2 mg/ml
10-11 His-GFP aufgereinigt 2 ~0.5 mg/ml

2 Replicates on NiNTA (216 & 467)

Spot Protein Number of Spots Concentration
1-2 pET_1703 (HIV) lysate 2 ~0.15 mg/ml
3-4 pET_1703 (HIV) desalt 2 ~0.62 mg/ml
5 pET_1003 (HCV) lysate 1 ~0.08 mg/ml
6 pET_1003 (HCV) desalt 1 ~0.33 mg/ml
7 His-GFP (Max) 1 0.5 mg/ml
8 His-GFP desalt 1 ~0.5 mg/ml
9 bBSA 1 0.2 mg/ml
10-11 His-GFP lysate 2 ~0.2 mg/ml

Flush protocol (for Ni-NTA slides):

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (TBS!!!)1607201x
BSA 26060010 mg/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)3606001x
Anti-HIV (polyclonal,rabbit)43060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)5606001x
Anti-HCV (polyclonal,rabbit)63060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)7606001x
Anti-Rabbit (from mouse)8306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)9606001x
Anti-HIV (monoclonal,mouse)103060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)11606001x
Anti-HCV (monoclonal,mouse)123060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)13606001x
Anti-Mouse14306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)15606001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, goat)16306003 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)17606001x
StrepCy518306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)19606001x

one Ni-NTA slide 1 anti-mouse was changed against anti-his!!! one Ni-NTA slide could not be measured due to hydrophobicity problems

Flush protocol (for PDITC slide 502):

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (TBS!!!)1607201x
BSA 26060010 mg/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)3606001x
Anti-HIV (polyclonal,rabbit)43060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)5606001x
Anti-HCV (polyclonal,rabbit)63060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)7603001x
Anti-Rabbit (from mouse)8306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)9606001x
Anti-Salmonella desalt (13)1030600~60 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)11606001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, goat)12306003 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)13606001x
StrepCy514306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)15606001x

No antigen/antibody binding (HIV/HCV) was detected on the Ni-NTA slides. Controls worked fine.

Flush protocol (for PDITC slide 24):

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
Buffer (TBS!!!)1607201x
BSA 26060010 mg/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)3606001x
Anti-HIV (polyclonal,rabbit)43060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)5606001x
Anti-HCV (polyclonal,rabbit)63060010 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)7603001x
Anti-Rabbit (from mouse)8306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)9606001x
Anti-Salmonella desalt (13)1030600~60 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)11606001x
Anti-Salmonella lysate (13)1230600~70 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)13606001x
Anti-His 143060020 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)15606001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, goat)16306003 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)17606001x
StrepCy518306005 ug/ml
Buffer (TBS!!!)19606001x
Slide 24: Selection of ROIs: 1 HIV spot (spot 2) and one HCV spot (spot 3) were excluded due to high amounts of salt on it
Slide 24: Binding curves
Slide 502: Selection of ROIs
Slide 502: Binding curves for all spots
Slide 502: Binding curve (second Salmonella spot excluded)

Results: We have specific antibody/antigen binding for Salmonella! (a-HIV/HCV do not bind…) Slide 502: During measurement within the first buffer step/blocking step most of the second Salmonella spot was washed away. Related to this the spot behaves strange. Slide 24: Also anti-salmonella lysate was tested. Here we see (as expected) stronger unspecific binding at other spots (nevertheless greatest binding for the salmonella spots). The unspecific/transient binding proteins get mostly washed away during the following buffer step.

Slide 24: Quotient picture (before a-Salmonella / after a-Salmonella + a-GFP)
Slide 502: Quotient picture (before a-Salmonella / after a-Salmonella + a-GFP)

Cellfree expressed YFP; different GFPs on Ni-NTA


spotting pattern:

# spot concentration
1 His-tYFP-Spy KK
2 His-tYFP-Spy KK + Mg
3 His-tYFP-Spy BK
4 His-tYFP-Spy BK + Mg
5 His-tYFP-Spy neg.
6 bBSA 200 µg/ml
7 Max His-GFP 0.5 mg/mL
8 His-GFP Lysate ~1 mg/mL
9 His-GFP Lysate ~1 mg/mL
10 Max His-GFP 1 mg/mL
11 nT-GFP Lysate ~1 mg/mL
Reagent # spot Elution no. Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-tYFP (rabbit)44045020 ug/ml
anti-GFP (goat, biotinylated)6404503 ug/ml
anti-Rabbit8404505 ug/ml
StrepCy510404505 ug/ml
Slide 254: Roi selection
Slide 254: Binding curves. Binding curve shows (better to see with zoom) little a-tYFP (from rabbit) binding to Kokos tYFP spot (Mg2+ fed). Signal is amplified with a-Rabbit
Slide 254: Quotient picture (before/after a-tYFP step)
Slide 254: Quotient picture (before/after a-Rabbit step)

PhyA-Testing auf PDITC



# spot Elution no. Concentration
1-2 PhyA-GFP
3-4 His-PhyA-GST selbst aufgereinigt 2 6.6 mg/ml → 1:10
5 His-PhyA-GST in AntigenSolution (17) 2 1:1 (1:10 His-PhyA-GST in 5mg/ml BSA : AntigenSolution (1:5)
6 GFP (Max) 1 mg/ml
7 GFP-Lysate-NT
8 His-GFP-Halo (Konstrukt von AG-Roth) - selbst aufgereinigt ?
9 bBSA 0.2 mg/ml
10 GFP (Max) in AntigenSolution (17) diluted to 1 mg/ml GFP 1:1 (2.0 mg/ml GFP in 5mg/ml BSA (165 ul) : AntigenSolution (1:5) (165 ul))
11 GFP (Max) in Elutionspuffer diluted to 1 mg/ml GFP 1:1 (2.0 mg/ml GFP in 5mg/ml BSA (165ul) : Elutionsbuffer) (165 ul)
Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
anti-phyA (N-term)4404505 ug/ml
anti-phyA (rabbit, polyclonal)6404505 ug/ml
anti-GFP (goat, biotinylated)8404503 ug/ml
anti-GST10404505 ug/ml
anti-Rabbit (mouse)12404505 ug/ml
anti-goat14404505 ug/ml
StrepCy516404505 ug/ml

Duplicates were prepared (Slide 12 and slide 121) but only 1 could be measured, because slide 121 broke ( 8[ ) → Only slide 12 was evaluated.

Slide 12: Selection of ROIs
Slide 12: Binding curves of all spots
Slide 12: Binding curves of PhyA spots
Slide 12: Binding curves of Max GFP spots


08.08.2015 Spotting:

All spots diluted to proteinconcentration of ~0.4-0.5 mg/ml. Antigens were spinned before spotted.

# spot Elution no. Concentration
1-2 HIV(17) 2 0.4-0.5 mg/ml
3-4 HCV(10) 2 0.4-0.5 mg/ml
5-6 Tetanus(11) 2 0.4-0.5 mg/ml
8 PhyA 0.4-0.5 mg/ml
9 bBSA 0.1 mg/ml
10-11 Salmonella(15) 2 0.4-0.5 mg/ml

Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA 26060010 mg/ml
Buffer 3606001x
Anti-HIV (polyclonal,rabbit)44560010 ug/ml
Buffer 5606001x
Anti-HCV (polyclonal,rabbit)64560010 ug/ml
Buffer 7603001x
Anti-phyA (N-term) (rabbit)84560010 ug/ml
Buffer 9606001x
Anti-Rabbit10306005 ug/ml
Buffer 11606001x
Anti-HIV (monoclonal,mouse)124560010 ug/ml
Buffer 13606001x
Anti-HCV (monoclonal,mouse)144560010 ug/ml
Buffer 15606001x
Anti-Tetanus (monoclonal,mouse)164560010 ug/ml
Buffer 17606001x
Anti-GFP (biotinylated, goat)18306003 ug/ml
Buffer 19606001x
StrepCy520306005 ug/ml
Buffer 21606001x
Anti-Mouse22306005 ug/ml
Buffer 23606001x

Again no antibody-binding was detected → We confirmed that in this manner the experiment does not work Binding curves were evaluated, but revealed no further information. Due to the large protocol and some (air)problems (see binding curves of slide 465) during measurement in both cases, curves do not look neat.

Slide 265: Binding curves; some spots were expluded from the evaluation due to air that came on top of them during measurement
Slide 465: Binding curves; this is what it looks like if you do not exclude the spots were air arrived during measurement (spot 2&8) from the evaluation

Testing Halo Slides


spotting pattern:

# spot concentration
1-2 Halo-GFP 1:20
3-4 Halo-GFP 1:10
5-6 Halo-mCHERRY 1:20
7 His-Halo-GFP Piehler
8 His-GFP Piehler
9 bBSA 100 µg/ml
10-11 Halo-mCHERRY 1:10

Slide 426 - measured in old setup

  • slide wasn't blocked before measurement
Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
a-GFP4306003 ug/ml
StrepCy56306005 ug/ml

Slide 424 - measured in old setup (Strep-Cy5 and a-GFP step were accidently switched)

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
a-His4306005 ug/ml
StrepCy8306005 ug/ml
a-GFP6306003 ug/ml

Slide 423 - measured in new setup

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
a-His (from AG Roth)4306005 ug/ml
a-GFP6306003 ug/ml
StrepCy8306005 ug/ml

Slide 466 - measured in old setup

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA26060010 mg/ml
a-His (from iGEM Lab)4306005 ug/ml
a-GFP6306003 ug/ml
StrepCy8306005 ug/ml

For evaluation of Halo-Experiment → look up in labjornal of the surface chemistry

Spotting antibodies to flush with purified antigen lysate


spotting pattern:

# spot (AB) AB-Concentration [µg/mL]
1-2 HIV: gp41 DDX1306 (mouse) 100
3-4 HCV: HCV-AB (mouse) 100
5-6 Tetanus: HYB 278-01 (mouse) 100
7-8 His-GFP 1000
9 bBSA 100 mg/mL
10-11 a-Salmonella-(pIG15_1301) 100
Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA23090010 mg/ml
HIV (17)4209000.25 mg/ml
HCV (10)6209000.25 mg/ml
Tetanus (11)8209000.25 mg/ml
Anti-Mouse10209005 ug/ml
Anti-GFP12209003 ug/ml

Only 1 slide was measured. Second slide syringe didnt suck solutions. Results: Antigens didnt bind to the immobilized antibodies. Strangely, anti-mouse only bound to a-Tetanus spot, and not to a-HIV and a-HCV spots, even though they are from mice, too.

Slide 29: Selection of ROIs
Slide 29: Binding curve

Measuring HIV,HCV,Tet,Sal with polyclonal and monoclonal ABs


In contrast to the previous experiments 15 (Salmonella) and 11 (Tetanus) were heatshocked just before spotting (to denature the antigens → maybe AB binds better to the denatured antigens (the primary structure)!?)

# spot Elution no. Concentration
1-2 HIV(17) 1 1.0 mg/ml
3-4 HCV(10) 1 0.74 mg/ml
5-6 Tetanus(11) 1 3.75 mg/ml
7-8 GFP 1.0 mg/ml
9 bBSA 0.1 mg/ml
10-11 Salmonella(15) 1 6.7 mg/ml

Flush protocol (Slide 208):

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA 24560010 mg/ml
Buffer 3606001x
Anti-GFP(goat;biotinylated)4306005 ug/ml
Buffer 5603001x
Anti-HIV (monoclonal)62090020 ug/ml
Buffer 7603001x
Anti-HCV (monoclonal)82090020 ug/ml
Buffer 9603001x
Anti-Tetanus (monoclonal)103060020 ug/ml
Buffer 11603001x
Anti-HIV (polyclonall)122090020 ug/ml
Buffer 13603001x
Anti-HCV (polyclonal)142090020 ug/ml
Buffer 15603001x
Anti-Salmonella (1301 Elu1)16209001:3
Buffer 17603001x
….further steps were skipped

For second slide flush protocol was changed→ added anti-His step and further dilutions of anti-Salmonella (but threw out a-HIV/a-HCV/anti-Tet) Flush protocol (Slide 12):

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA 26060010 mg/ml
Buffer 3606001x
Anti-GFP(goat;biotinylated)4306005 ug/ml
Buffer 5603001x
Anti-His 63060020 ug/ml
Buffer 7603001x
Anti-Salm (Elu 3)8209001:5
Buffer 9603001x
Anti-Salm (Elu 3)10306001:2
Buffer 11603001x
Anti-Salm (Elu 1)12306001:10
Buffer 13603001x
Anti-Salm (Elu 1)14209001:3
Buffer 15603001x
StrepCy516306005 ug/ml
Buffer 17603001x

Results: Anti-His at least confirmed that something with a His-Tag is within the HIV and HCV spots (see binding curves of slide 12).

Slide 208: Binding curves; flushing with anti-Salmonella lysate screwed up the measurement → protocol only to this step
Slide 208: Selection of ROIs: As can be seen we faced some problems during that measurement ;)
Slide 12: Binding curves
Slide 12: Selection of ROIs

03.08.2015 Flush protocol:

Reagent Step Flow rate (ul/min) Priming time Concentration
BSA 24560010 mg/ml
Buffer 3606001x
Anti-GFP(goat;biotinylated)4257205 ug/ml
Buffer 5603001x
Anti-tYFP (rabbit)615120020 ug/ml
Buffer 7603001x
Anti-PhyA (rabbit)82090020 ug/ml
Buffer 9603001x
Anti-Rabbit 10306005 ug/ml
Buffer 11603001x
StrepCy5 12306005 ug/ml
Buffer 13603001x

Results: Binding of anti-phyA to phyA was not observed in RIfs. Yet, at both measurements was faced some problems: much of the protein was washed away from the spotted spot. → We have to take lower concentrations for spotting (100-400 ug/ml) Anti-tYFP to YFP binding could not be detected aswell: Actually, this wont work on PDITC since all of the expression mix proteins also bind to the spot, compete with the (already low concentration) YFP for binding → almost no YFP can bind to the spot. We have to repeat experiment for cellfree expressed YFP/GFP with specific surface (e.g. Ni-NTA)

Slide 303: ROI selection
Slide 303: binding curves
Slide 303: Inverted QP during initial buffer step: Shows that already much of the PhyA is flushed away from the spot