Team:NU Kazakhstan/Attributions

Nazarbayev University Team


All fundraising help including trip to Boston, registration fees and reagents was kindly provided by Dr. Damira Kanayeva.

As instructors both Dr.Damira Kanayeva and Dr. Olena Filchakova were helpful at advising and checking the progress on project.

Prof. Gonzalo Hortelano provided our team with access to labs for all summer.
General idea of the project was given by Mukhtar Sadykov and then developed during usual team meetings. Every team member was given a part of project to search and develop, which was presented be them during meetings and discussed by other team members

Luiza Niyazmetova as senior student was very kind to teach new members of team to do wetlab. And four members of team: Altynay Abdirakhmanova, Azhar Zhailauova, Aisha Yesbolatova and Askarbek Orakov stayed at the university for summer to do wetlab. It was a long and difficult summer full of fail and success where we gained a lot of experience of laboratory practice.

Wiki page was done by Askarbek Orakov and Batyrkhan Saduanov, who got interested in our project even being a robotics major student.

And we should mention that we really appreciated support by researchers from "NURIS" research center for providing with deficient materials and experience.