Difference between revisions of "Team:Aalto-Helsinki/Journal"

(-stora enso twice, fixed typos)
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<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a3/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_9.jpg" /></div>
<!-- September below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">24th-28th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">iGEM Giant Jamboree in Boston!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">18th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Wiki freeze.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in the University of Turku. Sent our BioBricks to the registry.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team <a href="http://areena.yle.fi/1-2923572">featured</a> on the Finnish National Radio!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">10th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team got the official patches!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in Tampere University of Technology.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">8th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Team hoodies arrived.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">7th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team was interviewed for radio!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Science picnic in Helsinki city centre! We held a small talk and workshops for the whole family.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">4th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First practice session for our Giant Jamboree presentation!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Stora Enso agreed to sponsor us!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/5/5b/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_8.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/45/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_SEP.png"></img></div>
<!-- September above -->
<!-- August below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">LAL -  the Finnish Union of Experts in Science agreed to sponsor us!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry joined our list of sponsors!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Sent our GFP brick to team HS Slovenia for validation.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">20th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First sequencing results!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered the team hoodies.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">13th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Two more BioBricks-to-be sent for sequencing to the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Met with Tarja Knuuttila's group from the University of Helsinki and discussed our human practices project.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">7th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered sequencing for our first construct from Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">6th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about iGEM to Finnish Biology Olympiad candidates.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Attempted Gibson Assembly method first time for the gene parts. The results are very promising!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/5/59/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_7.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e5/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_AUG.png"></img></div>
<!-- August above -->
<!-- July below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">29th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Micelle model ready!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">24-26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Nordic iGEM Conference in Uppsala organized by <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Uppsala">iGEM Uppsala</a>! and <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Stockholm">iGEM Stockholm</a>!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Rehearsing the presentation for Uppsala.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<p class="entrytext"><a href="https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/opiskelijat-kehittavat-biopolttoainetta-kansainvalisessa-kilpailussa">An article</a> published about us on the University of Helsinki's website</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered third plasmid pCDFDuet-1 from Merck Life Science. The plasmid is needed to combine cellulase and propane pathways into the same bacteria.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">20th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">AYY joined our partners!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">17th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Modeling team was given the challenge of modeling micelle formation.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">15th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Preliminary results of bottlenecks in our pathway!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our first gBlocks have arrived from <a href="http://www.idtdna.com">IDT</a>!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">13th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our labteam figured our why our practice project didn't produce the protein we wanted - the promoter was inserted wrong.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">10th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Met with Tarja Knuuttila and her students to discuss our human practices aspects.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Skype meeting with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Stockholm">iGEM Stockholm</a>. Discussed our collaboration and the upcoming Nordic iGEM Conference!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">8th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Skype meeting about collaboration with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Slovenia_HS">Slovenia HS</a>.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">7th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Started to build the model of the cellulose pathway. Had also discussion about modeling with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Dundee">iGEM Dundee</a>.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">6th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Modeling of propane pathway went a huge leap forward when many of the much-needed constants were finally found!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">2nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our first PCR reaction towards Gibson Assembly has been successful!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Modeling team had a meeting with Elena Czeizler from Aalto University's department of computer science. We also had a Skype meeting with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh">Edinburgh team</a>.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/f/f6/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_6.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e7/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_JUL.png"></img></div>
<!-- July above -->
<!-- June below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">29th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Mascot is ready!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">27th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ratekoulutus joined our group of sponsors!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered needed sequences to begin with Gibson Assembly.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Created constructs for Interlab measurement study.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">25th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Discussion with Anja Martinez from Thermo Fisher Scientific. She was helping us with some sequences which were too complex to be traditionally synthesized.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">24th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Took part to IDT webinar on gBlocks</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Particle model about synergy ready!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">17th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Registered to iGEM Interlab measurement study. The goal of the study is to obtain fluorescence data for three genetic devices with the same protocols from teams all around the world.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">12th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Finished planning primers for PCR and sequences for synthesis services ordered from Genescript, who is supporting us with those! The first versions of our gene constructs are also ready.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">10th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Kemianteollisuus is going to sponsor us!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Started to work with our wiki.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Lab safety training given by our instructor Heli Viskari.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Learning how to pitch at Startup Sauna Demo Day.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">4th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Learning about modelling. Merja Oja advised us about this. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Presenting our research idea to the Department’s research group in their monthly meeting. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/2c/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_5.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0e/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_JUN.png"></img></div>
<!-- June above -->
<!-- May below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">28th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">The modeling of our reaction pathway has started. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">27th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with yeast expert Jussi Jäntti. We discussed the possibility of using yeast as a chassis organism and other approaches to propane production with researcher Jussi Jäntti from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Discussion with Merja Penttilä. We talked about our ideas and different ways to approach the theme of propane production with the coordinator of the synthetic biology programme Living Factories. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">25th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Webpage ready! The web page is now coded and ready to be used. Some of our members learned a bunch of new stuff of html. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Learning to build plasmid maps. Our team member Anna showed everyone how to build plasmid maps. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">IBC Finland announced that they will sponsor us. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First day in lab.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">18th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">High school presentation at “Magpie Island”. Telling about iGEM to students from Mäkelänrinne Sports High School. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Propane production in bacteria has been decided as our research topic.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with our Instructor Heli and a quick tour in the lab.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Professor meeting with Olli Ikkala. What does learning mean? How do machines and bacteria learn? How could we approach learning through synthetic biology? </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/f/ff/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_4.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a0/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_MAY.png"</img></div>
<!-- May above  -->
<!-- April below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">29th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with the Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. Meeting Janne Laine, the Dean of Aalto School of Chemical Technology was at least as encouraging as the meeting with School of Science we had had a week ago. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) is our first sponsor! </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with the Aalto University School of Science. We met with Risto Nieminen, the Dean of Aalto School of Science. He was really excited about our project and seemed happy to help us. This made us even more excited and happy about our project! </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">iGEM 2015 distribution arrived! The package including BioBricks, linearized backbones, kits, stickers and pins arrived from iGEM headquarters. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting at the University of Helsinki. We met with rector Jukka Kola, the head of the University of Helsinki and Keijo Hämäläinen, vice-rector in charge of research and education. It was really exciting and encouraging to hear that the University is supporting us. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First skype meeting with iGEM Pasteur. Collaboration with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Pasteur_Paris">Pasteur iGEM team</a> from Paris started with a Skype meeting.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/06/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_3.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/83/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_APR.png"</img></div>
<!-- April above -->
<!-- March below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig"  ></img><h2 class="day">25th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Brainstorming. We met for this purpose for several times during the spring. Outside the meetings, we researched the various ideas we had come up with and browsed through what the teams from previous years had done and what had been done outside iGEM. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First skype with the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Stockholm">Stockholm iGEM team</a>. Last year's team was also present to discuss the practical issues with starting an iGEM team from scratch. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig"  ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">The first meeting of the 2015 team. Some had already met before, some of us met each other for the first time ever. A couple of team members from the 2014 team and our Advisor Markus were also present.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First anniversary of iGEM Aalto-Helsinki! On March 14th 2014 the first ever Finnish iGEM team met for the first time.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">The new team members were chosen by the 2014 team.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">3-6th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Interviews held. More than 30 candidates were interviewed for the Aalto-Helsinki 2015 team by 2014 team members.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/7/76/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_2.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0c/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_MAR.png"</img></div>
<!-- March above -->
<!-- february below  -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">28th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Application period for the 2015 team closed.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/88/Aalto-Helsinki_collage_1.jpg" /></div>
<div class="month" ><img  class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/81/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_FEB.png"</img></div>
<!-- February above  -->
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<!-- September below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">24th-28th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Giant iGEM jamboree!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in the University of Turku.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team <a href="http://areena.yle.fi/1-2923572">featured</a> on the Finnish National Radio!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">10th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team got the official patches!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in Tampere University of Technology.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">8th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Team hoodies arrived.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">7th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Our team was interviewed for radio!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Science picnic in Helsinki city centre! We held a small talk and workshops for the whole family.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">4th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First practice session for our Giant Jamboree presentation!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">StoraEnso agreed on sponsoring us!</p></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/45/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_SEP.png"></img></div>
<!-- September above -->
<!-- August below -->
<!-- August below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">LAL -  the Finnish Union of Experts in Science agreed to sponsor us!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">26th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry joined our sponsors!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Sent our GFP brick to Slovenia for validation</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">20th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First sequencing results!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered the team hoodies.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">13th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Two more BioBricks-to-be sent for sequencing to the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Met with Tarja Knuuttila's group from the University and discussed our human practices project.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">7th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered sequencing for our first construct from Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">6th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">6th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Talked about iGem to finnish Biology Olympics candidates.</p></div>  
<p class="entrytext">Talked about iGEM to Finnish Biology Olympiad candidates.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Attempted Gibson Assembly method first time for the gene parts. The results are very promising!</p></div>  
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e5/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_AUG.png"></img></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e5/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_AUG.png"></img></div>
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<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Rehearsing the presentation for Uppsala.</p></div>  
<p class="entrytext">Rehearsing the presentation for Uppsala.</p></div>  
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<p class="entrytext"><a href="https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/opiskelijat-kehittavat-biopolttoainetta-kansainvalisessa-kilpailussa">An article</a> published about us on the University of Helsinki's website</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered third plasmid pCDFDuet-1 from Merck Life Science. The plasmid is needed to combine cellulase and propane pathways into the same bacteria.</p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Ordered third plasmid pCDFDuet-1 from Merck Life Science. The plasmid is needed to combine cellulase and propane pathways into the same bacteria.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Stora Enso became a sponsor!</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">20th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">20th</h2>
Line 73: Line 477:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Modeling team had a meeting with Elena Czeizler from Aalto-University's department of computer science. We also had a Skype meeting with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh">Edinburgh team</a>.</p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Modeling team had a meeting with Elena Czeizler from Aalto University's department of computer science. We also had a Skype meeting with <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh">Edinburgh team</a>.</p></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e7/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_JUL.png"></img></div>
<div class="month" ><img class="monthlogo" src ="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e7/Aalto-Helsinki_timeline_JUL.png"></img></div>
Line 113: Line 517:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Started to work with our wiki.</p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Started to work with our wiki.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">9th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Lab safety training given by our instructor Heli Viskari</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">5th</h2>
Line 153: Line 560:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Propane production in bacteria have been decided as our research topic.</p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Propane production in bacteria has been decided as our research topic.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
Line 167: Line 574:
<!-- April below -->
<!-- April below -->
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">29th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">29th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with School of Chemical Technology. Meeting Janne Laine, the Dean of Aalto School of Chemical Technology was at least as encouraging as the meeting with School of Science we had had a week ago. </p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with the Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. Meeting Janne Laine, the Dean of Aalto School of Chemical Technology was at least as encouraging as the meeting with School of Science we had had a week ago. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">23th</h2>
Line 173: Line 580:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">21st</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with the School of Science. We met with Risto Nieminen, the Dean of Aalto School of Science. He was really excited about our project and seemed happy to help us. This made us even more excited and happy about our project! </p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with the Aalto University School of Science. We met with Risto Nieminen, the Dean of Aalto School of Science. He was really excited about our project and seemed happy to help us. This made us even more excited and happy about our project! </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
Line 179: Line 586:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">16th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting with University of Helsinki. We met with rector Jukka Kola, the head of Helsinki University and Keijo Hämäläinen, vice-rector in charge of research and education. It was really exciting and encouraging to hear that the University is supporting us. </p></div>
<p class="entrytext">Meeting at the University of Helsinki. We met with rector Jukka Kola, the head of the University of Helsinki and Keijo Hämäläinen, vice-rector in charge of research and education. It was really exciting and encouraging to hear that the University is supporting us. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">1st</h2>
Line 193: Line 600:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">22nd</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First skype with the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Stockholm">Stockholm iGEM team</a>. Last years team was also present to discuss the practical issues with starting an iGEM team from scratch. </p></div>
<p class="entrytext">First skype with the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Stockholm">Stockholm iGEM team</a>. Last year's team was also present to discuss the practical issues with starting an iGEM team from scratch. </p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig"  ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig"  ></img><h2 class="day">19th</h2>
Line 199: Line 606:
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogobig" ></img><h2 class="day">14th</h2>
<p class="entrytext">First anniversary of iGEM Aalto-Helsinki! On 14.3.2014 the first ever Finnish iGEM team met for the first time.</p></div>
<p class="entrytext">First anniversary of iGEM Aalto-Helsinki! On March 14th 2014 the first ever Finnish iGEM team met for the first time.</p></div>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>
<div class="entry"><img class="entrylogo" ></img><h2 class="day">11th</h2>

Latest revision as of 21:13, 18 September 2015


iGEM Giant Jamboree in Boston!


Wiki freeze.


Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in the University of Turku. Sent our BioBricks to the registry.


Our team featured on the Finnish National Radio!


Our team got the official patches!


Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in Tampere University of Technology.


Team hoodies arrived.


Our team was interviewed for radio!


Science picnic in Helsinki city centre! We held a small talk and workshops for the whole family.


First practice session for our Giant Jamboree presentation!


Stora Enso agreed to sponsor us!


LAL - the Finnish Union of Experts in Science agreed to sponsor us!


The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry joined our list of sponsors!


Sent our GFP brick to team HS Slovenia for validation.


First sequencing results!


Ordered the team hoodies.


Two more BioBricks-to-be sent for sequencing to the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland!


Met with Tarja Knuuttila's group from the University of Helsinki and discussed our human practices project.


Ordered sequencing for our first construct from Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland.


Talked about iGEM to Finnish Biology Olympiad candidates.


Attempted Gibson Assembly method first time for the gene parts. The results are very promising!


Micelle model ready!


Nordic iGEM Conference in Uppsala organized by iGEM Uppsala! and iGEM Stockholm!


Rehearsing the presentation for Uppsala.


An article published about us on the University of Helsinki's website


Ordered third plasmid pCDFDuet-1 from Merck Life Science. The plasmid is needed to combine cellulase and propane pathways into the same bacteria.


AYY joined our partners!


Modeling team was given the challenge of modeling micelle formation.


Preliminary results of bottlenecks in our pathway!


Our first gBlocks have arrived from IDT!


Our labteam figured our why our practice project didn't produce the protein we wanted - the promoter was inserted wrong.


Met with Tarja Knuuttila and her students to discuss our human practices aspects.


Skype meeting with iGEM Stockholm. Discussed our collaboration and the upcoming Nordic iGEM Conference!


Skype meeting about collaboration with Slovenia HS.


Started to build the model of the cellulose pathway. Had also discussion about modeling with iGEM Dundee.


Modeling of propane pathway went a huge leap forward when many of the much-needed constants were finally found!


Our first PCR reaction towards Gibson Assembly has been successful!


Modeling team had a meeting with Elena Czeizler from Aalto University's department of computer science. We also had a Skype meeting with Edinburgh team.


Mascot is ready!


Ratekoulutus joined our group of sponsors!


Ordered needed sequences to begin with Gibson Assembly.


Created constructs for Interlab measurement study.


Discussion with Anja Martinez from Thermo Fisher Scientific. She was helping us with some sequences which were too complex to be traditionally synthesized.


Took part to IDT webinar on gBlocks


Particle model about synergy ready!


Registered to iGEM Interlab measurement study. The goal of the study is to obtain fluorescence data for three genetic devices with the same protocols from teams all around the world.


Finished planning primers for PCR and sequences for synthesis services ordered from Genescript, who is supporting us with those! The first versions of our gene constructs are also ready.


Kemianteollisuus is going to sponsor us!


Started to work with our wiki.


Lab safety training given by our instructor Heli Viskari.


Learning how to pitch at Startup Sauna Demo Day.


Learning about modelling. Merja Oja advised us about this.


Presenting our research idea to the Department’s research group in their monthly meeting.


The modeling of our reaction pathway has started.


Meeting with yeast expert Jussi Jäntti. We discussed the possibility of using yeast as a chassis organism and other approaches to propane production with researcher Jussi Jäntti from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland.


Discussion with Merja Penttilä. We talked about our ideas and different ways to approach the theme of propane production with the coordinator of the synthetic biology programme Living Factories.


Webpage ready! The web page is now coded and ready to be used. Some of our members learned a bunch of new stuff of html.


Learning to build plasmid maps. Our team member Anna showed everyone how to build plasmid maps.


IBC Finland announced that they will sponsor us.


First day in lab.


High school presentation at “Magpie Island”. Telling about iGEM to students from Mäkelänrinne Sports High School.


Propane production in bacteria has been decided as our research topic.


Meeting with our Instructor Heli and a quick tour in the lab.


Professor meeting with Olli Ikkala. What does learning mean? How do machines and bacteria learn? How could we approach learning through synthetic biology?


Meeting with the Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. Meeting Janne Laine, the Dean of Aalto School of Chemical Technology was at least as encouraging as the meeting with School of Science we had had a week ago.


Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) is our first sponsor!


Meeting with the Aalto University School of Science. We met with Risto Nieminen, the Dean of Aalto School of Science. He was really excited about our project and seemed happy to help us. This made us even more excited and happy about our project!


iGEM 2015 distribution arrived! The package including BioBricks, linearized backbones, kits, stickers and pins arrived from iGEM headquarters.


Meeting at the University of Helsinki. We met with rector Jukka Kola, the head of the University of Helsinki and Keijo Hämäläinen, vice-rector in charge of research and education. It was really exciting and encouraging to hear that the University is supporting us.


First skype meeting with iGEM Pasteur. Collaboration with Pasteur iGEM team from Paris started with a Skype meeting.


Brainstorming. We met for this purpose for several times during the spring. Outside the meetings, we researched the various ideas we had come up with and browsed through what the teams from previous years had done and what had been done outside iGEM.


First skype with the Stockholm iGEM team. Last year's team was also present to discuss the practical issues with starting an iGEM team from scratch.


The first meeting of the 2015 team. Some had already met before, some of us met each other for the first time ever. A couple of team members from the 2014 team and our Advisor Markus were also present.


First anniversary of iGEM Aalto-Helsinki! On March 14th 2014 the first ever Finnish iGEM team met for the first time.


The new team members were chosen by the 2014 team.


Interviews held. More than 30 candidates were interviewed for the Aalto-Helsinki 2015 team by 2014 team members.


Application period for the 2015 team closed.


Giant iGEM jamboree!


Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in the University of Turku.


Our team featured on the Finnish National Radio!


Our team got the official patches!


Talked about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project to students and researchers in Tampere University of Technology.


Team hoodies arrived.


Our team was interviewed for radio!


Science picnic in Helsinki city centre! We held a small talk and workshops for the whole family.


First practice session for our Giant Jamboree presentation!


StoraEnso agreed on sponsoring us!


LAL - the Finnish Union of Experts in Science agreed to sponsor us!


The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry joined our sponsors!


Sent our GFP brick to Slovenia for validation


First sequencing results!


Ordered the team hoodies.


Two more BioBricks-to-be sent for sequencing to the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland!


Met with Tarja Knuuttila's group from the University and discussed our human practices project.


Ordered sequencing for our first construct from Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland.


Talked about iGEM to Finnish Biology Olympiad candidates.


Attempted Gibson Assembly method first time for the gene parts. The results are very promising!


Micelle model ready!


Nordic iGEM Conference in Uppsala organized by iGEM Uppsala! and iGEM Stockholm!


Rehearsing the presentation for Uppsala.


An article published about us on the University of Helsinki's website


Ordered third plasmid pCDFDuet-1 from Merck Life Science. The plasmid is needed to combine cellulase and propane pathways into the same bacteria.


Stora Enso became a sponsor!


AYY joined our partners!


Modeling team was given the challenge of modeling micelle formation.


Preliminary results of bottlenecks in our pathway!


Our first gBlocks have arrived from IDT!


Our labteam figured our why our practice project didn't produce the protein we wanted - the promoter was inserted wrong.


Met with Tarja Knuuttila and her students to discuss our human practices aspects.


Skype meeting with iGEM Stockholm. Discussed our collaboration and the upcoming Nordic iGEM Conference!


Skype meeting about collaboration with Slovenia HS.


Started to build the model of the cellulose pathway. Had also discussion about modeling with iGEM Dundee.


Modeling of propane pathway went a huge leap forward when many of the much-needed constants were finally found!


Our first PCR reaction towards Gibson Assembly has been successful!


Modeling team had a meeting with Elena Czeizler from Aalto University's department of computer science. We also had a Skype meeting with Edinburgh team.


Mascot is ready!


Ratekoulutus joined our group of sponsors!


Ordered needed sequences to begin with Gibson Assembly


Created constructs for Interlab measurement study


Discussion with Anja Martinez from Thermo Fisher Scientific. She was helping us with some sequences which were too complex to be traditionally synthesized.


Took part to IDT webinar on gBlocks


Particle model about synergy ready!


Registered to iGEM Interlab measurement study. The goal of the study is to obtain fluorescence data for three genetic devices with the same protocols from teams all around the world.


Finished planning primers for PCR and sequences for synthesis services ordered from Genescript, who is supporting us with those! The first versions of our gene constructs are also ready.


Kemianteollisuus is going to sponsor us!


Started to work with our wiki.


Lab safety training given by our instructor Heli Viskari


Learning how to pitch at Startup Sauna Demo Day


Learning about modelling. Merja Oja advised us about this.


Presenting our research idea to the Department’s research group in their monthly meeting.


The modeling of our reaction pathway has started.


Meeting with yeast expert Jussi Jäntti. We discussed the possibility of using yeast as a chassis organism and other approaches to propane production with researcher Jussi Jäntti from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland.


Discussion with Merja Penttilä. We talked about our ideas and different ways to approach the theme of propane production with the coordinator of the synthetic biology programme Living Factories.


Webpage ready! The web page is now coded and ready to be used. Some of our members learned a bunch of new stuff of html.


Learning to build plasmid maps. Our team member Anna showed everyone how to build plasmid maps.


IBC Finland announced that they will sponsor us.


First day in lab


High school presentation at “Magpie Island”. Telling about iGEM to students from Mäkelänrinne Sports High School.


Propane production in bacteria has been decided as our research topic.


Meeting with our Instructor Heli and a quick tour in the lab.


Professor meeting with Olli Ikkala. What does learning mean? How do machines and bacteria learn? How could we approach learning through synthetic biology?


Meeting with the Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. Meeting Janne Laine, the Dean of Aalto School of Chemical Technology was at least as encouraging as the meeting with School of Science we had had a week ago.


Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) is our first sponsor!


Meeting with the Aalto University School of Science. We met with Risto Nieminen, the Dean of Aalto School of Science. He was really excited about our project and seemed happy to help us. This made us even more excited and happy about our project!


iGEM 2015 distribution arrived! The package including BioBricks, linearized backbones, kits, stickers and pins arrived from iGEM headquarters.


Meeting at the University of Helsinki. We met with rector Jukka Kola, the head of the University of Helsinki and Keijo Hämäläinen, vice-rector in charge of research and education. It was really exciting and encouraging to hear that the University is supporting us.


First skype meeting with iGEM Pasteur. Collaboration with Pasteur iGEM team from Paris started with a Skype meeting.


Brainstorming. We met for this purpose for several times during the spring. Outside the meetings, we researched the various ideas we had come up with and browsed through what the teams from previous years had done and what had been done outside iGEM.


First skype with the Stockholm iGEM team. Last year's team was also present to discuss the practical issues with starting an iGEM team from scratch.


The first meeting of the 2015 team. Some had already met before, some of us met each other for the first time ever. A couple of team members from the 2014 team and our Advisor Markus were also present.


First anniversary of iGEM Aalto-Helsinki! On March 14th 2014 the first ever Finnish iGEM team met for the first time.


The new team members were chosen by the 2014 team.


Interviews held. More than 30 candidates were interviewed for the Aalto-Helsinki 2015 team by 2014 team members.


Application period for the 2015 team closed.