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<h2>Hilde Harb Buzzá</h2>
<h2>Hilde Harb Buzzá</h2>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Idade</b>: 27 anos<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Curso atual</b>: Doutorado em Física Biomolecular (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Hilde, conte-nos sobre sua trajetória acadêmica.</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Graduei-me na primeira turma do curso de Ciências Físicas e Biomoleculares, no Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP). Durante minha Iniciação Científica, trabalhei com cristalografia de proteínas e Imagens por Ressonância Magnética (IRM) para o estudo da epilepsia. Desde o mestrado em Física Biomolecular, tenho estudado o efeito vascular da terapia e, no doutorado, tenho investigado um modelo tumoral em membrana corioalantóica.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Por que escolheu uma carreira científica?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sempre gostei muito de matemática, biologia, física e áreas afins. Então, queria um curso que unisse exatas e biológicas e, ao mesmo tempo, que permitisse fazer pesquisa com aplicação na área de saúde. E, no ano em que prestei o vestibular, abriu o curso de Ciências Físicas e Biomoleculares no IFSC/USP.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Atualmente, a presença das mulheres nos cursos de exatas tem aumentado? O que você vê no seu próprio curso?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Esse número tem aumentado muito. É óbvio que no IFSC ainda há mais homens do que mulheres, mas quando recordo a época em que ingressei no Instituto, percebo que hoje a diferença não é tão grande. No meu curso, por exemplo, o número de mulheres e de homens está mais equilibrado.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Você diria que existe qualquer tipo de segregação ou discriminação de gênero, mesmo que sutis? Se sim, diria que isso pode ocorrer de forma inconsciente?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acredito que sim. Nunca sofri com isso; nunca me vi em uma situação tipo: 'Ah, você é mulher e não pode fazer ciências...'. Mas sei de pessoas mais velhas que sofreram muito pelo fato de ser mulher. Existe um assédio quando dizem que uma mulher só tem êxito por ser bonita. Acho que, na maior parte dos casos, isso ocorre de forma inconsciente. Isso está enraizado na sociedade em geral.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Uma carreira acadêmica, contando com graduação, mestrado e doutorado, muitas vezes passa a se estabilizar apenas aos 30 anos. Como você vê o impacto disso pra você? É diferente dependendo do gênero?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Isso depende muito das pessoas e dos sonhos de cada um. Acho que um indivíduo com trinta anos ainda é jovem. Hoje, com esta idade, muitos ainda têm diversos objetivos. Com trinta anos ainda dá para fazer muita coisa. Eu, por exemplo, pretendo fazer pós-doutorado no exterior e depois voltar ao Brasil e trabalhar aqui.<br/><br/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Age</b>: 27 years old<br/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Age</b>: 27 years old<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Current course</b>: Doctorate at Biomolecular Physics (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/></p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Current course</b>: Doctorate at Biomolecular Physics (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Hilde, tell us about your academic experience.</b><br/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Hilde, tell us about your academic experience.</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I graduated in the first class of the Physical and Biomolecular Sciences course at São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). During my Scientific Initiation I worked with proteins crystallography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the study of epilepsy. Since my Master in Biomolecular Physics, I have been studying the vascular effect in therapy and, during my doctorate, I have been analyzing a tumoral model in corialantoic membrane.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I graduated in the first class of the Physical and Biomolecular Sciences course at São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). During my Scientific Initiation I worked with proteins crystallography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the study of epilepsy. Since my Master's in Biomolecular Physics, I have been studying the vascular effect in photodynamic therapy and, during my PhD, I have been analyzing a tumoral model in corialantoic membrane.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Why did you choose a scientific career?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Why did you choose a scientific career?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have always liked mathematics, biology, physics and similar areas a lot. Therefore, I wanted a course that united natural and biological sciences and, at the same time, allowed me to do a research with applications in the healthcare area. So, at the same year I did the exam to enter university, the Physical and Biological Sciences course at IFSC/USP opened.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have always liked mathematics, biology, physics and similar areas a lot. Therefore, I wanted a course that united natural and biological sciences and, at the same time, allowed me to perform a research with applications in the healthcare area. So, at the same year I did the exam to enter university, the Physical and Biological Sciences course at IFSC/USP opened.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course? </b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course? </b><br/>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>An academic career, with graduation, master and doctorate, most of the time stabilizes at 30 years old. How does it impact you? Does it depend on the gender?</b> <br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>An academic career, with graduation, master and doctorate, most of the time stabilizes at 30 years old. How does it impact you? Does it depend on the gender?</b> <br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This varies from people and their dreams. I think a 30 year old person is still young. Today, with this age, a lot still have many objectives. With 30 years there is still a lot to do. For example, I intend to do post-doctorate abroad and come back to Brazil later and work here.<br/><br/></p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This varies from people and their dreams. I think a 30 year old person is still young. Today, with this age, a lot still have many objectives. When you are 30 years old there is still a lot to do. For example, I intend to do post-doctorate abroad and come back to Brazil later and work here.<br/><br/></p>

Latest revision as of 01:50, 19 September 2015

Woman in Science

Policy and Practices

Hilde Harb Buzzá

    Age: 27 years old
    Current course: Doctorate at Biomolecular Physics (IFSC/USP)

    Hilde, tell us about your academic experience.
    I graduated in the first class of the Physical and Biomolecular Sciences course at São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). During my Scientific Initiation I worked with proteins crystallography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the study of epilepsy. Since my Master's in Biomolecular Physics, I have been studying the vascular effect in photodynamic therapy and, during my PhD, I have been analyzing a tumoral model in corialantoic membrane.

    Why did you choose a scientific career?
    I have always liked mathematics, biology, physics and similar areas a lot. Therefore, I wanted a course that united natural and biological sciences and, at the same time, allowed me to perform a research with applications in the healthcare area. So, at the same year I did the exam to enter university, the Physical and Biological Sciences course at IFSC/USP opened.

    Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course?
    This number has increased a lot. It is obvious that at IFSC there are still more men than women, but when I remember about the time I entered the institute, I realize that the difference is not so big today. In my course, for example, the number of women and men is more equal.

    Would you say there is any kind of gender segregation or discrimination, even if it is subtle? If yes, would you say happens unconsciously?
    I believe so. I have never suffered it, I have never been told: “Oh, you’re a woman, you can’t do science…”. But I know about older people that have suffered a lot because they were women. There is a kind of harassment when people say a woman only succeeds because she is pretty. I think that in most cases this happens unconsciously. This is rooted in our society.

    An academic career, with graduation, master and doctorate, most of the time stabilizes at 30 years old. How does it impact you? Does it depend on the gender?
    This varies from people and their dreams. I think a 30 year old person is still young. Today, with this age, a lot still have many objectives. When you are 30 years old there is still a lot to do. For example, I intend to do post-doctorate abroad and come back to Brazil later and work here.

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