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<a href="" onClick=" $('#menu29').slideToggle(300, function callback() {  }); return false;"><h1 style="color:white;"> Protein Extraction (French Press) and Purification (Protino® Ni-IDA His-Tag protein purification, Macherey-Nagel)</h1></a>
<a href="" onClick=" $('#menu29').slideToggle(300, function callback() {  }); return false;"><h1 style="color:white;"> Protein Extraction (French Press) and Purification (Protino® Ni-IDA His-Tag protein purification, Macherey-Nagel)</h1></a>
<div id="menu29">
<div id="menu29">
<p>1 x LEW (Lysis-Equilibrium-Wash) Buffer:</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> x 2 H<sub>2</sub>O (MW: 156.07 g/mol)</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>NaCl (MW: 58.44 g/mol)</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>H<sub>2</sub>0 dest.</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
                <p>ad. 1000mL</p>
<p>Adjust to pH 8.0 using NaOH.</p>
<p>1 x Elution Buffer:</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> x 2 H<sub>2</sub>O (MW: 156.07 g/mol)</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>NaCl (MW: 58.44 g/mol)</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>Imidazole (MW: 68.08 g/mol)</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
            <td valign="top" width="307">
                <p>H<sub>2</sub>0 dest.</p>
            <td valign="top" width="97">
                <p>ad. 1000mL</p>
<p>Adjust to pH 8.0 using NaOH.</p>
<p><strong>1.) Cell extraction by French Press:</strong></p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Resuspend pellet in 20mL 1x LEW Buffer from the kit</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Take a small sample (10&micro;l) for microscopy</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Press 4 times with a French Press at High Pressure and collect the flow through</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Take a small sample (10&micro;l) and analyse both before and after press samples under the microscope. Look for inclusion bodies.</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Centrifuge pressed samples at 4&deg;C and 13000 rpm for 45 minutes, keep supernatant</p>
<p><strong>2.) Protino&reg; Ni-IDA His-Tag protein purification (Macherey-Nagel)</strong></p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wet Ni-IDA column with 4mL of 1x LEW buffer and discard flow through</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Run supernatant from the cell extraction through the column and collect flow through (cell extract, store at 4&deg;C)</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wash column 3 times with 4ml 1x LEW Buffer</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Collect each flow through (wash 1-3) and store at 4&deg;C</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Elute protein 3 times with 3mL Elution Buffer (contains Imidazole)</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Collect each elution and store fractions at 4&deg;C</p>
<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Quantify protein content by Bradford measurement (see Bradford assay)</p>

Revision as of 17:20, 16 September 2015


LB Medium

"Fat" LB Medium

Phosphatase Activity plates, Sperber media

Esterase Activity plates, with 1% Tributyrin

Cellulase activity plates

Cloning Methods

PCR product purification using QIAquick® PCR Purification Kit (QIAGEN)

PCR Gel extraction, peqGOLD Gel Extraction Kit

Blunt End Ligation in pJET1.2 vector –Clone JET PCR Cloning Kit–Thermo Scientific

TOPO® Cloning protocol usingChampion™ pET Directional TOPO® Expression Kits. Thermo Fisher Scientific

Plasmid transformation into chemically competent E. coli

Electroporation of BL21 cells with pJET_RFP

Plasmid Extraction - using QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (QIAGEN)

Plasmid Extraction - using peqGOLD Plasmid Miniprep Kit I (PEQLAB Technologies)

Competent Cells

Preparation of competent E.coli cells

Transformation Efficiency Kit, RFP construct (iGEM)

Protein Extraction and Purification

Protein Extraction (French Press) and Purification (Protino® Ni-IDA His-Tag protein purification, Macherey-Nagel)

Activity Screens

Esterase activity test

Cellulase activity screening

Restriction Controls

Aan I (Psi I ) - thermo fisher scientific - restriction control protocol

Double digestion restriction control

Restriction control using fast and slow digestion enzymes

Scafoldin Restriction control

Esterase Restriction Control

Phosphatase Restriction Control

PCR Preparation Methods

Colony PCR

Phusion PCR


Protocol for Sanger sequencing

Overnight Sanger Sequencing

Fluorescence Microscopy

RFP microscopy