Difference between revisions of "Team:Brasil-USP/Notebook/protocols"

Line 396: Line 396:
                       <ul>chloramphenicol (34 ug/ul) or ampicillin (100ug/ul)</ul>
                       <ul>chloramphenicol (34 ug/ul) or ampicillin (100ug/ul)</ul>
                 <li>Grown for 18-20 hours at 37°C.</li>
                 <li>Grown for 18-20 hours at 37°C.</li>
                 <li>Tip 1 colony from the LB agar plates into independent sterile tubes with 5 ml of LB media (1:4) containing antibiotic<li/>
                 <li>Tip 1 colony from the LB agar plates into independent sterile tubes with 5 ml of LB media (1:4) containing antibiotic</li>
                 <li>Repeat the previous step twice for 2 different colonies to obtain biological replicate.</li>
                 <li>Repeat the previous step twice for 2 different colonies to obtain biological replicate.</li>
                 <li>Grown overnight (14 - 16 hours)  at 37°C, 80 - 300 rpm.</li>
                 <li>Grown overnight (14 - 16 hours)  at 37°C, 80 - 300 rpm.</li>
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      <a id="sampleprepplatereader"></a>
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            <h2 class="featurette-heading">
            <h1>Plate Reader</h1>
                <li>Using a clear, flat- or round-bottomed, 96-well plate we measured optical density  at 600 nm (OD600).</li>
                <li>In each well add LB and pre-inoculum</li>
                      <ul>usually in a proportion 1:10 we obtained OD600 ~ 0.1 with the previous pre-inoculum conditions</ul>
                <li>Measure OD600</li>
                <li>If necessary, adjust LB:pre-inoculum proportion to the proper OD600.</li>
                <li>Constitutive promoter: measure OD600</li>
                <li>Inducible promoter: add inducer and measure OD600 in time (8-12 hours)</li>

Revision as of 02:07, 17 September 2015



Calcium chloride transformation with heat shock in Escherichia coli DH5α


  • Sterile LB agar plate supplemented with the appropriate antibiotic (ampicillin 100 μg ml-1 or chloramphenicol 34 μg ml-1 - SIGMA-ALDRICH®);
  • Sterile liquid LB media (SIGMA-ALDRICH®);
  • Competent DH5α cells (Novagen) prepared through heat shock with calcium chloride;
  • Plasmidial DNA.


  • Put the 0.5 mL microtube containing 50 μL competent cells aliquot on ice;
  • Add 20-50 ng of plasmidial DNA or 10 μL of ligation reaction to the competent cells. Mix by pipetting carefully;
  • Place the tube into a 42°C water bath for 2 min;
  • Return the tube to the ice for 5 min;
  • Add 200 μL of liquid LB;
  • Incubate at 37°C, 250 rpm for 45 min;
  • Plate the liquid LB containing the bacterial suspension on a LB agar plate with the appropriate antibiotic;
  • Incubate overnight (14- 16h) at 37°C.

Plasmid extraction

PureLink® Quick Plasmid Miniprep Kit-Life Technologies


  • Cell Growth
    • After isolating a single colony from a LB agar plate, grow it in 6 mL of liquid LB within the appropriate antibiotic. Incubate overnight (14-16h) at 37°C in a shaking incubator.
  • Resuspension
    • Pellet the overnight culture in a 2 mL microtube and discard the supernatant. Repeat this step until the total liquid culture is finished. Resuspend the cell pellet in 240 μL of resuspension buffer by vortexing.
  • Lysis
    • Add 250 μL of the Lysis buffer. Mix by inversion 4-8 times and incubate at 37°C for 3-5 minutes. Do not exceed this period.
  • Neutralization
    • Add 350 μL of the neutralization solution. Mix by inversion 4-8 times and incubate at 37°C for 3-5 minutes. Do not exceed this time. Centrifuge at 16000 g for 10 minutes.
  • Washing
    • ransfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 mL microtube with the resin. Be careful not to transfer the white pellet. Add 650 μL of Wash buffer. Centrifuge at 16000 g for 1 minute. Discard the supernatant. Centrifuge again for 2-4 min to remove ethanol remains.
  • Elution of plasmidial DNA
    • Put the resin in a new 1.5 mL microtube. Add 50 μL of nuclease free water at 65°C. Centrifuge at 16000 g for 3 minutes and discard the resin. Store DNA at -20°C.

Digestion of plasmidial DNA


  • Plasmidial DNA;
  • Restriction Enzyme 1: EcoRI or XbaI (FastDigest Thermo Scientific);
  • Restriction Enzyme 2: SpeI or PstI (FastDigest Thermo Scientific);
  • FastDigest Buffer (Thermo Scientific);
  • Nuclease free water.


  • On ice, prepare the following mixture in a microtube:
    • 500 -1000 ng of plasmidial DNA
      1 μL of Restriction Enzyme 1
      1 μL of Restriction Enzyme 2 (if necessary)
      2 μL of 10x FastDigest Buffer
      Nuclease free water to complete 20 μL
  • Spin the mixture.
  • Incubate at 37°C for at least 3 hours.
  • Perform agarose gel electrophoresis to confirm the results

Ligation reaction (Cohesive ends)

ref: https://www.neb.com/protocols/1/01/01/dna-ligation-with-t4-dna-ligase-m0202


  • Vector DNA digested;
  • Insert DNA digested;
  • 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer* (Thermo Scientific);
  • T4 DNA Ligase (Thermo Scientific);
  • Nuclease free water.
  • Methodology

    • Set up the following reaction in a microcentrifuge tube on ice:

  • For cohesive ends, incubate at 22°C for 3 hours + 16°C for 9 hours.

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis


  • 1X TAE Buffer;;
  • Electrophoresis apparatus (cell, gasket, power supply, gel caster and comb; BIO-RAD - http://www.bio-rad.com/cmc_upload/Literature/38717/M1704400B.PDF);
  • Gel analysis and documentation equipement (Gel DocTM EZ System, BIO-RAD);
  • UV light box
  • DNA ladder (Invitrogen or Thermo Scientific);
  • 10X Loading Buffer (Invitrogen);
  • Ethidium bromide (Promega);
  • x% (mass/volume) agarose gel (the concentration varies with the size of the DNA sample; 1.2% is recommended to short DNA fragments - smaller than 200bp - and 0.8% is recommended to high length of DNA)


  • Agarose gel: Mixture 1X TAE with agarose (1.2 or 0.8 grams for each 100ml of buffer depending of x% agarose) and melting the mixture. Add ethidium bromide and after, transfer the melted gel into a gasket in a gel caster support with an appropriate comb);
  • Prepare samples by diluting in loading buffer to approximately 1X or higher;
  • Load the DNA ladder into the first well of the gel and the samples into the additional wells;
  • Transfer gel to a cell and apply DNA ladder and samples;
  • Run the gel for about 40 minutes at 100 volts;
  • Do analysis (in Gel Doc equipment) or cut the gel (UV light box).

Directed mutagenesis PCR (for restriction site elimination) using a plasmid template for restriction site elimination


  • 1 μl of 10 ng/μl DNA template;
  • 5 μl of each primer forward and reverse (diluted to 20μM) previously designed and purchased;
  • 1 μl of dNTP mixture 10mM;
  • 10 μl Phusion HF 5X buffer (NEB) with MgCl2;
  • 1 μl High Fidelity enzyme (2.5U μl-1, NEB);
  • Sterile deionized water to 50 μl.
  • Methodology

    • In a thermal cycler (BIO-RAD) set the fellow steps:
      • First (1X): 95°C for 3 min;
        Second (18X): 95°C for 30s; 60°C for 30s (primers Tm); 72°C for 5 min (15-30s per kb - pUC9::roxA : 4462 bp)
        Third (1X): 72°C for 15min;
        Hold in 4°C.
    • Run a gel electrophoresis to analysis (10 μl) and purification (all remainder reaction);
    • Prepare a DNA digestion with only DpnI enzyme (Thermo Scientific);
    • Heat shock in E. coli DH5α with 10 μl of the digest reaction;
    • Do minipreps with some colonies;
    • Confirm the mutation with a digest reaction with two enzymes, one vector site containing and with the desired mutation site. Confirm with a gel electrophoresis.

PCR amplification (applied to lcp)


  • 1μl DNA template at 10 ng μl-1;
  • 5μl of each primers forward and reverse (diluted to 20μM) previously designed and purchased;
  • 1μl of dNTP mixture 10mM;
  • 5μl High Fidelity 10X buffer (Thermo scientific) with MgCl2;
  • 2.5μl BSA protein (Promega);
  • 0.5μl High fidelity enzyme (2.5 U μl-1, Thermo Scientific);
  • Sterile deionized water quantum sufficit for 50 μl.


  • In a thermal cycler (BIO-RAD) set the following steps :
    • First (1X): 95°C for 3 min;
      Second (30X): 95°C for 30s; 57°C for 30s; 72°C for 2 min (1-2 min per kb - Lcp : 1128 bp);
      Third (1X): 72°C for 10min;
      Hold in 4°C.
  • Run a gel electrophoresis to analysis (3 μl) and purification (all remainder reaction).

PCR amplification for difficult amplicons (applied to roxA)


  • 1μl DNA template at about 300 ng μl-1;
  • 1.25 μl of each primer forward and reverse (diluted to 20μM) previously designed and purchased;
  • 25 μl Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix (NEB);
  • Sterile deionized water quantum sufficit for 50 μl.
  • Methodology

    • In a thermal cycler (BIO-RAD) set the following steps :
      • First (1X): 98°C for 30s;
        Second (30X): 95°C for 10 s; 63°C for 30s (primers Tm calculated by NEB TM calculator - http://tmcalculator.neb.com/#!/); 72°C for 1min (20-30s per kb);
        Third (1X): 72°C for 2min;
        Hold in 4°C.
    • Run a gel electrophoresis to analysis (3 μl) and purification (all remainder reaction)

Gibson assembly

For complete protocol : https://www.neb.com/products/e2621-nebuilder-hifi-dna-assembly-master-mix


  • Reation

    • ng of insert = kb of insertkb of vector x ng of vector (50 ng usually) x ratio.Ratio for inserts little than 200bp (1:5); for inserts bigger than 200bp use 1:5. Recommended 0.03 - 0.2 pmol; pmol gBlock = weight in ngbase pair x 650 daltons x1000



    • E. coli cells transformed were plated on LB agar (Sigma) plates supplemented with antibiotic:
      • chloramphenicol (34 ug/ul) or ampicillin (100ug/ul)
    • Grown for 18-20 hours at 37°C.
    • Tip 1 colony from the LB agar plates into independent sterile tubes with 5 ml of LB media (1:4) containing antibiotic
    • Repeat the previous step twice for 2 different colonies to obtain biological replicate.
    • Grown overnight (14 - 16 hours) at 37°C, 80 - 300 rpm.

    Plate Reader


    • Using a clear, flat- or round-bottomed, 96-well plate we measured optical density at 600 nm (OD600).


    • In each well add LB and pre-inoculum
      • usually in a proportion 1:10 we obtained OD600 ~ 0.1 with the previous pre-inoculum conditions
    • Measure OD600
    • If necessary, adjust LB:pre-inoculum proportion to the proper OD600.
    • Constitutive promoter: measure OD600
    • Inducible promoter: add inducer and measure OD600 in time (8-12 hours)

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