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Experiments & Protocols

Agarose Gel
Electrophoresis buffer contents:
  • 10 mL 50x TAE
  • 490 mL deionized water

  • Contents of Agarose gel:
  • 1g Agarose (1%) or 2g Agarose (2%)
  • 100 mL Electrophoresis buffer

  • Mix agarose and electrophoresis buffer and microwave for 1.5 minutes.
  • When the solution is sufficiently cool, add 6 µL of EtBr.
  • Pour the solution into a bed with a comb levely placed within. Clear the bubbles from the surface and wait for the gel to polymerize.
  • Mix loading dye and sample in a 1:5 ratio and insert samples into wells. Place 10 µL of DNA ladder into the first well.

  • Plasmid Extraction
    We used NucleoSpin® Plasmid Miniprep kit, Macherey-Nagel according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Restriction Digest
  • 8 μL 2.1 Buffer
  • 5 μL DNA
  • 2 μL EcoR1
  • 2 μL Pst1
  • Incubate at 37oc for 1 hour
  • What should this page contain?
    • Protocols
    • Experiments
    • Documentation of the development of your project
