Outreach and Human Practices!
Yeah do yo thing!!! I'm really tired right now...
2015 Bay Area Maker Faire Spreading the love of synthetic biology
In May 2015, our team participated in the 2015 Bay Area Maker Faire. We presented the Stanford-Brown iGEM projects to a variety of people, from scientists to young children, and had interactive activities such as origami and DNA extractions to spread the love of synthetic biology.
Poster sessions and presentations Interacting with other researchers
We undertook several poster sessions and gave presentations during the summer to showcase our work at various events, including the California Academy of Sciences, NASA Ames ASL poster sessions, Stanford REU program presentation sessions.
Interviews Picking the brains of experts
We interviewed several scientists specializing in different fields, and asked them what they would do with biOrigami./p>
Collaboration Because collaboration between researchers is greater than the sum of its parts
We collaborated with the Edinburgh iGEM team on their biosensors and participated in the InterLab Study to help contribute to the iGEM community.
CRATER Crisper Assited Transformation Efficient Reaction
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