Team:Freiburg/Project/pRIG15 8



Infection with the Herpes Simplex Virus 1 leads to life-long persistence of the virus inside the body as a latent infection. 1) The glycoprotein G is one of 11 glycoproteins expressed by HSV1. 2) The sequence we used for our experiment was obtained from Jaaskelainen et al., 2009. 3)

To insert the sequence for HSV1 glycoprotein G into pSB1C3 we designed Gibson primers with compatible overhangs that also included the start codon ATG. This fragment was amplified via PCR (Link zum Labjournal-Eintrag) and then assembled with the digested pSB1C3 backbone using Gibson assembly. To prove correct insertion of our fragment we did a test digest (Link Labjournal) and sent the whole plasmid for sequencing.

Link to genebank file: