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The following section summarizes the most interesting results we obtained this summer establishing our diagnostic tool. On our way to the detection of anti-Tetanus in human blood serum we achieved many other results in the field of Diagnosis. Besides the detection of anti-Tetanus antibodies we could identify anti-GFP antibodies in a more or less 20 years old serum of a rabbit that was immunized with GFP (Main Results). Before we achieved these main results we proofed our concept, showing that our device is indeed capable of detecting specific antigen-antibody binding.

Detection of anti-Salmonella

We obtained the sequence for a specific Salmonella Typhimurium antigen and a corresponding Salmonella Typhimurium antibody from the lab of Prof. Dr. Hust. Both His-tagged proteins were successfully expressed in E. coli and spotted on a specific PDITC surface. With the following iRIf measurement we analyzed the binding between antigen and antibody (figure 1). The measurement was a great success, showing a distinct shift in the binding curve for the salmonella antigen when the salmonella antibody is flushed over the chip, whereas the negative control is not bound by the antibody (figure 2). With this measurement a proofed our concept, showing that we are able to detect a specific antigen-antibody binding.

Figure 1: Binding of anti-Salmonella
Figure 2: Binding curve of anti-Salmonella

Mouse and rabbit binding

Another import result during the establishment of our diagnostic device was the immobilization of three proteins on one single slide (GFP, a rabbit- and a mouse-derived antibody). In this experiment the slide was flushed with three different antibodies, one after the other. In three different outputs dependent on the antibody we recieved a highly specific binding at each spot. The corresponding binding curve shows the relative light intensity at each spot. Every binding event is highly specifc (figure 3). Additionally the quotion pictures showed the distinct binding of the antibody to the related antigen (figure 4). This confirmed the specific binding event of protein-antibody in our setup. With this promising result we were one step further along our diagnostic application.

Figure 3: Relative light intensity at a spot related to the background
Figure 4: Quotion pictures indicating changes of layer thickness caused by flushing with the indicated antibody

Expression of several antigens

As we suppose a new diagnostic device for the detection of several diseases we expressed these antigenic peptides in E.coli. Due to time constraints we could only verify those expressed antigen by western blot or SDS-PAGE (see labjournal protein purification). Figure 5 shows the HIV multi-epitopic antigen. ‘Health and Medicine’ as one of the most popular tracks chosen in the iGEM competition we want to share the sequences encoding for these peptides with the iGEM community. Thus, future iGEM teams have the opportunity to take advantage from our research if they are planning to work in the field of diagnostics. BioBricks iGEM Team Freiburg 2015

Figure 5. Western Blot of HIV multi-epitopic antigen.In this Western Blot the HIV multi-epitopic antigen was analyzed by 12,5% SDS-PAGE. The anti-HIV-1 P24 polyclonal antibody was used in a dilution of 1:5000. The secondary antibody (anti-rabbit HRP) was diluted 1:5000. The expected molecular weigth is 20.5 kDa.