

We have collaborated with several iGEM teams, sharing experiences and problems we have faced during the development of our project. In the following, we described each of our partnerships.


    Ana Paula Ulian de Araújo

    University of São Paulo/USP Professor

         Her areas of expertise are biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics, with emphasis in heterologous expression, protein purification and structure characterization using circular dichroism and fluorescence. Currently, her research is focused in ribosomes inactivators protein (RIPs) and human septins. She also teaches Molecular and Cellular Biology for undergraduate and graduate courses. Ana Paula has supported the whole progress of the project, advising on circuit design and providing the infrastructure of the Biophysics group for our circuits experiments. Whenever possible, she also attended our meetings at night, being the most present instructor of our team.

    Brenda Clara Moreira

    Federal University of São Carlos/UFSCar
    Undergraduate Student

         At first sight, Brenda is apparently introverted, but in reality she is full of skills - she was the protagonists of our crowndfunding video. She actively participated in efforts to raise funds to enable us enter the competition as well as during the stages of formation and consolidation of the Brasil-SP team and project design.

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