Agarose gels
Protocol for casting and loading of a DNA fractionation gel
material: TAE-Puffer (0.5x), Agarose, microwave
duration: 90 min
- pour 0.7% or 1% agarose solution into the casting chamber depending on the size of the DNA fragments (the higher concentration, the smaller the fragment)
- add 4 µL of GelRed solution and distribute it by using the gel comb
- fix comb in the gel chamber
- let polymerize
- Fill gel chamber with TAE-Buffer
- remove comb (beware for cracks)
CAUTION: hot! ⇒ use gloves for handling
CAUTION: GelRed ist ein strong mutagen!!
Gel loading
- add 4 µL of ladder into one to two gel pockets (depending on the size of the gel)
- add running buffer to the DNA samples (6x concentrated)
- load DNA samples in the gel pockets (volume depending on the size of the gel)
- apply voltage → 120V
- Running time depends on the desired quality of band splitting
Cast a new gel
- weight agarose (depending on concentration) and add the corresponding amount of water
- heat in the microwave until the solution is has cleared up. Pan from time to time to prevent boiling retardation
CAUTION: Beware boiling retardation and NEVER close the cap
CAUTION: hot! ⇒ use gloves for panning