Team:San Andres/Description
Our project is about the celiac disease, a enteropathy, autoimmune affecting individuals who possess genes HLA-DQ8 or HLA-DQ2, where T cells attack the body when the gliadins and glutenins are absorbed by the small intestine, in others words, celiac patients have a permanent intolerance to gluten-containing foods. When the gluten to come into contact with the villi of the small intestine (enterocytes), the cells helper (type of reporter) detected the gluten like as a toxic substance and leave a footprint chemistry, which is followed by antibodies and lymphocytes T and B. The first are the natural killer and an army of these cells attack the infected cells, which could cause a carcinogen effect, in this case the dangerous cells are the enterocytes, causing inflammation, poor absorption, and other symptoms. The damage caused by the autoimmune reaction can cause histological damage in the villi, and a biopsy of these is the means of diagnosis of this pathology. The only current treatment is a diet without gluten, which is expensive and difficult to follow.