

Ich würds Acknowledgements and Attributions nennen..

!!!Acknowledgements habt ihr schön beschrieben. Hier fehlen aber noch die Attributions, also welche etablierten Methoden ihr verwendet habt (zB iRIf). Also alles was ihr an speziellem Know-How benutzt und nicht selber etabliert habt. Gängige Methoden wir Klonieren und Proteinaufreinigung sind hier nicht anzuführen.(Ilona)

Wäre es sinnvoll die Attributions vor die Acknowledgments zu setzen? Als erst sagen, von wem haben wir Know-How, Dinge und Krams und dann sagen wem davon man dankbar ist? ;) (ps)

Acknowledgements and Attributions

The iGEM Team Freiburg acknowledges the generosity of the BIOSS - Centre for Biological Signalling Studies for its financial support and for providing a laboratory as well as great equipment. We would also like to thank our team leaders and advisors and the AG Roth from the ZBSA - Center for Biological Systems Analysis who helped us realize our project by giving us advice, materials and sharing their experiences.

BIOSS administration and Toolbox

Founded in 2008, BIOSS is an excellence cluster of the University of Freiburg focusing on signalling research and promoting a dialectic process between scientists using analytical and synthetic approaches. The interdisciplinary team of researchers is supported by the resource, storage and information centre for biological materials called Toolbox, which also provided us with plasmids, cell lines and antibodies. Therefore, we would like to thank the BIOSS, namely Dr. Nicole Gensch, for her great support for our project to all intents and Dr. Pavel Salavei for supporting us with tips and advices concerning protein expression and purification.

AG Ulbrich

We would like to express our deep appreciation for the constant support and critical input of Prof. Dr. Max Ulbrich.

AG Roth

We are particularly grateful to Dr. Roth and his group for their patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement, constructive critiques and for the opportunity to use part of their resources.

A great thanks also to Prof. Dr. Peters and the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research for the financial support of our team and AG Hiltbrunner, AG Hess, AG Wilde, AG Pyrowolakis, AG Weber, AG Albers, AG Baumeister, AG Boll, AG Reski and AG Reinheckel for providing us with material, sequencing credits and helpful tips.

Our sincere thanks also extend to our immediate advisors Ilona Blank, Stefan Krämer, Philipp Schwenk and Maike Smits. Without you we would not have been able to perform our project in that manner.

You were all invaluable to us!


The iRIf device and the knowledge of using it as well as the techniques and devices for creating PDMS flow chambers were kindly provided by AG Roth. Also, we thank Biametrics for allowance to use their iRIf devices (built initially in the EU funded project SystemCerv grant number 306037) in Freiburg and personal training and discussion on site in Tübingen.
For the Halo-Tag surfaces we received substances from Prof. Wiesmueller, Tübingen, Germany and for the Ni-NTA surfaces from Prof. Piehler, Osnabrück, Germany. The Ni-NTA surfaces we finally used for conducting our experiments were deveolped by our team, based on protocols by Shinjiro Tachibana 1) and the National University of Singapore.
Our cell-free expression system was developed based on protocols from Dr. Frank Bernhard, Frankfurt, Germany and the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.