


Standard PCR Programm

For amplification of different DNA fragments from plasmid templates, various PCR approaches were used. In general, PCRs were performed with Phusion High Fidelity DNA Polymerase (NEB). The components of the reaction mixture were used in defined amounts/concentrations recommended by the manufacturer.

PCR mix

200 - 300 ng
Primer (10 µM)
1 µl each
Q5 Polymerase
0.5 µl
4 µl
1 µl
Q5 reaction buffer (5x)
10 µl
up to 50 µl
Add GC enhancer if the GC content of the template [??] is very high.

Primers for DNA amplification were designed to have a melting temperature of about 60°C (detailed information can be found in the Oligo list). The following cycling conditions have been used for standard PCRs. Extention times were calculated according to NEB's recommendations for Phusion High-Fidelity Polymerase.

Lid temperature: 98°C

98°C 5 min Initial denaturation
98°C 30 s Denaturation
63°C 30 s Annealing
72°C 30 - 40 s pro kb Extention
72°C 10 min Final extention
4°C hold

18 - 25 Zyklen (Schritt 2-4)