Team:NYU Shanghai/VirtualReality

Virtual Reality

We created a Virtual Reality(VR) simulation of the bacterial cell. In our VR project, the virtual environment simulates physical presence in the biology laboratory, next to an E.coli, inside an E.coli, and around DNA and proteins. What's cool about virtual reality is that you feel like you're actually there--moving your head to the right in real life will move your head to the right in the virtual world. Download the APK here

Example Scenes

The video is a demonstration of one our scenes in the virtual reality simulation. When viewed through the oculus rift, you can feel like you are with us inside the bioloy laboratory. We hoped we could give a better sense of what a biology lab looks like and what we do inside one to those that are unfamiliar.

This is the VR model of E.coli; it gives people a more direct sense of what the E.coli outside structure is like .

This is the inside scene of E.coli, where the inner biological structure is presented. .

This is the VR model of DNA double helix structure .

This is the VR model of protein structure 1L2Y, with the combination of 3D modeling of PyMol, our project could facilitate users to better observe and understand the structure of biology related substance.

Human Practices

People loved using the virtual reality!