Team:BABS UNSW Australia/Attributions


On behalf of the team

A project of this scale would not have been able to be completed without an amazing group of people supporting our us. Many thanks on behalf of the entire BABS UNSW iGEM team go out to these individuals and organisations:

  • Dr Chris Marquis- Allowing us to use his lab space, helping us navigate the realm of grants, university admin and other bureaucracy. We wouldn't have made it nearly this far if we weren't able to email you at 4 pm when we ran out of an enzyme and for you to get it to us by 5.

  • Daniel Winter-Inspiring us constantly, providing an endless wealth of knowledge, tireless hours in the lab and dank memes. Words can't describe how far up the creek we would be without you as our paddle.

  • Robbie Oppenheimer-For introducing us to the world of iGEM, bringing the team together, running the boot camp and being an all round absolute champion. Without you this journey wouldn’t have even started.

  • BABS UNSW- For providing us with our initial funding and continual support throughout the project.

  • SAMS UNSW- For fundraising for the cost of our trip through bake sales, our wallets thank you but our waists not so much.

Our Inspiration

Our project was influenced by the Warsaw iGEM teams of 2009 and 2010. Research that also inspired us was “Towards a Synthetic Chloroplast” (Agapakis, 2011) and “A Power-Law Dependence of Bacterial Invasion on Mammalian Host Receptors” (Lee, 2015).