

Policy and Practices

Our team has divulged our project, synthetic biology and iGEM in several academic events during the year. Here is a description of the main participations:

Started@USP Festival

Started@USP Festival was a 5-day event which took place at USP central campus, during June 12th-16th. It addressed subjects such as entrepreneurship and startups development, by promoting lectures and workshops. Our team was invited to be part of a round-table to discuss mainly biohacking. In this opportunity, we presented iGEM competition, talked a little bit about our project and how we are intending to make this idea to take off and become a company.


It is a 4-day congress destined to discuss relevant topics in biotechnology. It took place in UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos) from August 4th-7th. Our team presented posters during coffee breaks in order to show more about iGEM and our project to the students and professors. In the last day of the event, we performed an oral presentation about iGEM competition, our project and our experience being part of an iGEM team.

XII SEQ (XII Semana de Engenharia Química / XII Chemical Engineering Week)

It is a chemical engineering week organized by some students from Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), it happened from August 10th to 14th. The theme this year was “The different ways of chemical engineering”, which fit iGEM philosophy very well, as it pretend to show the students new paths in which they can act. We went to this event to present iGEM and our project during registration and in the scientific training poster exhibition.

SIFSC 5 (5a Semana Integrada do Instituto de Física de São Carlos)

The Integrated Week of the Physics Institute of São Carlos at the University of São Paulo (Semana Integrada do IFSC – SIFSC, in portuguese) is a congress for about 500 undergraduate and graduate students that takes place every year in São Carlos. Such event has been known for its interdisciplinarity, including talks of renowned scientists that work in the interface of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science areas. Short courses on specific subjects including Synthetic Biology have been offered. This congress will be a good opportunity for Brasil-USP iGEM team to present our project and talk about iGEM competition to a public composed of students from different Science fields. This year it will happen from 28th september to 2nd october and our team will have a stand in the event´s Workshop.

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