
Undergraduate Students

  • Mhairi Davidson: Plasmid construction and characterisation of phlF, srpR, PphlF, and PsprR for repressors. Plasmid construction and characterisation of terminator. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre and during school visits. Presented at London iGEM meet-up.
  • Andrey Filipov: Constructed PlisR and uirR BioBricks for UV-A sensor. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre.
  • Ye Yang. Wiki coding and design. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre. Logo designer.
  • Adele Cook. Designed model to be 3D-printed. Wrote survey and bedtime stories. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre and during school visits. Presented at Dundee and London iGEM meet-up. Photographer extraordinaire. Twitter and Facebook wizard.
  • Charlottle Flynn. Participated in the Interlab Study. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre. Researched the glowing plants.
  • Vilija Lomeikaite. Plasmid construction and characterisation of RBS library. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre.
  • Dimitra Lountzi. Plasmid construction and characterisation of bistable switch. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre.
  • Cara Seggie. Plasmid construction of bioluminescence genes. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre. Presented at Dundee iGEM meet-up.
  • Josh Hanson. UVA survivability assay. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre.
  • James Provan. Site-directed mutatgenesis and plasmid contruction of uirS. Characterisation of UVA sensor. Demonstrated at Glasgow Science Centre and during school visits. Presented at Dundee and London iGEM meet-up. Poster designer.


  • Dr Sean Colloms. (Lecturer in Synthetic Biology, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow) Our primary supervisor - basically gave up his summer! Demonstrated and advised on lab techniques and equipment, oligo/g-block design advice, sequencing analysis advice, wiki advice.
  • Dr Julien Reboud (Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow in Synthetic Biology, Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow) Adviser: adivce on all things engineering, wiki advice
  • Dr Steph Holt. Demonstrated and advised on lab techniques and equipment. Proof-reading saviour.
  • Their help and support thoughout the whole project was invaluable - without them, none of this would be possible!

General Support

  • Everyone in the Bower Building, University of Glasgow, for their support over the summer.
  • Glasgow Science Centre, for allowing us to participate in the Meet the Experts event.
  • Hyndland School, for allowing Lab Skills and Advanced Higher students to visit our lab, and hear about iGEM.
  • Queen Margaret Union, for much needed lunch and coffee breaks.

Project support and advice

  • Dr Marshall Stark, Professor of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow
  • Dr John Christie, Professor of Photobiology, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow
  • Advice on overall project

Lab Support

  • Dr Emanuele Conte, Research Associate, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow
  • Arlene McPherson, Technician, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology Administration, University of Glasgow
  • Dr Steven Kane, Research Assistant, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow
  • Gillian Lappin, Technician, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, University of Glasgow
  • William Bob Rooney, PhD student, University of Glasgow
  • Jake Casson, PhD student, University of Glasgow - member of 2014 Glasgow iGEM team
  • Happy to help and answer questions whenever needed!

Wiki support

  • Max Derksen, Astrophysics undergraduate student, University of Glasgow
  • Wiki design and coding

Human Practices Support

  • Dr Amy Bednarz
  • Dr John Walls, Research Associate , School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow
  • Jamie Gallagher, Public Engagement Officer, Research Strategy and Innovation Office, University of Glasgow
  • Amber Jones, Product Design graduate, Glasgow School of Art
  • Stuart Reid, Children's Author

Product Design Support

  • Ewan Russell, Technician, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow
  • Jason Bolderson, PhD student, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow
  • Dr Robert Wilson, Research Associate, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow


Bower Building, Wilkins Teaching Laboratory
University of Glasgow
University Avenue
G12 8QQ

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