
Judging Criteria

Bronze badge

- Registered for iGEM;
- Completed the Judging form;
- Created and shared a description of our team's project using the iGEM wiki
- We documented and submited in Registry 9 new parts (BBa_K1819000, BBa_K1819001, BBa_K1819002, BBa_K1819003, BBa_K1819004, BBa_K1819005, BBa_S05291, BBa_S05307, BBa_S05308)
- We have a wiki;
- We have stated clear Attributions;
- We have prepared a poster and a talk to the iGEM Jamboree.

Silver badge

- We experimentally validated four new BioBrick Parts of our own design and construction worked as expected.
- We Documented the characterization of this part in the Main Page section of the Registry entry for the Parts:
- These parts are different from those documented in Bronze medal criterion #6
- Submissions adhered to the iGEM Registry guidelines
- As Human Practices activities we organized a Latin America teams meeting, presented our project in academic events, visited tire pyrolysis and tire recycling companies, performed a research of Women in Science, projected our patent and talked to innovation specialists, and made an educational activity with children.

Gold badge

- In our collaborations we helped registered iGEM teams in modeling/simulating their systems, participated in surveys and discussed technical project details with other teams.
- We improved the characterization of TWO previously existing BioBrick Part and entered this information in the part's page on the Registry: BBa_E0040 and BBa_K823003

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