
Safety Procedures for Experiment

  1. When using the alcohol lamp to sterilize the atmosphere, take caution especially when putting the cap back on to extinguish the flames.
  2. Be sure to wear gloves during the experiment to prevent contamination and to prevent harmful substances from making contact with the skin.
  3. When checking the process of electrophoresis, do not hold the gel; instead, use a spatula to put the gel into the carcinogenic substance, Ethidium bromide.
  4. When cutting the Agarose gel, be careful of using the blade and do not press the blade with bare hands.
    → after extraction(by cutting gel band at 1.4kb) →
  5. Be careful of the heat when placing the DNA tubes into the PCR machine (temperatures tend to rise to over 95 degrees celsius).

Tips we learned from lab. Survive in the lab for high school kids

  1. Do not wander around when pipet is covered with tip
  2. Set the maximum levels after using pipet
  3. When tips are used for same solution, they don’t need to be replaced

@ When treating micro organism in front of the alcohol lamp

Whenever treating micro organism, heat until the white gold gets red enough. With plates, manage the distance appropriately because the far distance could make easily entrance into the plates

@ Centrifuge

Always manage the balance, or else the cacophony will occur with high probability of eruption


Do short centrifuge to use the liquid on top of tube (use small centrifuge machine) for 10 seconds-> make sure all the liquids of the micro tube is used

@ inverting

= turn up side down of the tube (make sure you slightly exert your strength)

@Extracting plasmid(read dna mini prep kit with protocol)

  • Make sure you take up all the upper liquid (but make sure you don’t touch the bottom debris)
  • The next step of cell lysis have to be done in three minutes(not intense mixing because the liquid can destroy the plasmid)
  • The reason why we are doing vortex is because we eliminate all the ethanol
  • In the elution step, we should make sure that buffer is pull through the white area
  • @trichoderma extraction step - Before the experiment we ought to set the incubation temperature - Pick up the fungus in the plate then add distilled water and use the vortex machine. Mix it long enough(about 12 minutes, but do not over-vortex) @electrophoresis - In the part of gel running, use the pipet appropriate for 2 micro liter - Make the three spot using the blue coloring matter - Mix the liquid enough and fill them to the spot of the gel(make sure all the liquid set in their own site)