After the 2015 Jamboree
This page briefly summarizes our experience at the Giant Jamboree!
The Poster We Presented!
Perhaps include quotes from our members here
Our team won a gold medal and was also nominated for the best project in our track, "New Application". Our other, more important accomplishments exist in the new knowledge and connections we made at the conference.
Cool People
Of course, we met many more teams and people from all around the world. There are too many for us to list on here, but we sincerely enjoyed meeting all of you. It is extremely likely (due to unfortunate consequence of how the world works) that we will not see each other again, but even so, we wish you all the best of luck in your future aspirations.
We would like to extend our personal congratulations to the team of William and Mary, who took the competition by storm much to their own surprise. After seeing their presentation, I'm sure no other iGEM team there was surprised with their victory. We're proud to have seen their project grow from the beginning when they came to our meetup when their project just taking shape. Our ties, strengthened by our close proximity, will hopefully lead to great collaboration in the future.
William and Mary
Looking forward
Along with our accomplishments this year, we have learned so much about the competition and are inspired to take the team to new heights. We're currently working on positively restructuring the team and reaching out to new talent and potential collaborators. We hope the future UMaryland iGEM teams can expand the success of previous years.