Team:Amsterdam//Project/Synthetic biology/Dependecies

iGEM Amsterdam 2015

Dependent Synechocystis

Some subtitle



Background summary here


Engineer an auxotrophic Synechocystis.


Results summary


List of created parts.


One can construct a synthetic consortium between two species with a variety of methods. Synechocystis could simply be engineered to export a carbon source (such as glucose) for E. coli in a glucose-absent medium. Although such a commensal relationship would definitely under certain conditions be considered stable, E. coli alone is the benefactor - there is no drive for Synechocystis to produce this carbon source. Increased stability is possible by creating a reciprocal relationship between the two species. Therefore, how can Cyanobacteria benefit or depend on E. coli’s presence? Cyanobacteria manufacturers it’s own food and has grown for centuries requiring only sunlight and water, in addition to inorganic elements. In fact, E. coli’s presence actually harms Cyanobacteria by limiting access to precious sunlight. Herein lies this module’s focus: Genetic engineering of an E. Coli dependent Synechocystis for the formation of stable synthetic consortia.

A basic requirement of consortia requires ‘communication’ between the species. Here we will attempt to construct a mutualistic relationship in which survival of one species is obligatory and beneficial for the survival of the other. The mode of communication will be the mutual production and exchange of essential metabolites. Since Synechocystis is an autotroph, one way to realize such a co-dependency is through the engineering of an auxotrophic bacterial strain. E. coli, could then in exchange produce the nutrient Synechocystis has been engineered to require. Ultimately, Synechocystis will produce a carbon source necessary for survival of E. coli, while E. coli produces a nutrient necessary for survival of Synechocystis - an engineered interdependence pathway.