Team:Czech Republic/Parts



We relied heavily on two promoters from the Registry (pGAL1 and pCUP1), and so we extensively characterized them both and submitted the results to the Registry as a part of the Gold medal requirements.


Basic Parts

Several Basic parts were constructed during the summer. We contributed to the Registry with 8 different basic parts, ready to use in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Function of all these parts was experimentally validated.

We sent 4 different mating pheromones:

And with the sequences of 2 different pheromone receptors:

The BioBricks above were constructed by Module 2, where you can find details of their construction and function.

Also, 3 different reporters ready to use in Saccharomyces were prepared and sent:

These BioBricks were constructed by Module 1, where you can find details of their construction and function.

Part Collection

Our submitted parts can be divided into two separate collections:

Signals & Receptors

Yeast reporters

  • pADH1_GFP (Yeast reporter) - BBa_K1690006
    • GFP under the control of constitutive pADH1 promoter
  • pasCYC1v3_GFP (Yeast reporter) - BBa_K1690007
    • GFP under the control of a MATa specific constitutive pasCYC1v3 promoter
  • pTv3_GFP (Yeast reporter) - BBa_K1690008
    • GFP under the control of repressible pTet promoter