Team:UCLA/Notebook/Honeybee Silk/28 April 2015


4/28 PCR to prepare 2 honeybee constructs for cloning We are repeating the same PCR from 4/26, but only at one temperature instead of a gradient, and we are scaling the reaction up to 50 ul.
  • PCR recipe
    Component Volume
    5X Q5 Reaction Buffer 10
    10 mM dNTPs 1.0
    10 uM Forward (primer 3/7) 2.5
    10 uM Reverse (primer 8) 2.5
    Template (diluted to 1ng/uL) 1.0
    Q5 High Fidelity DNA Polymerase 0.50
    Nuclease Free Water 32.5
  • PCR program (using benchling annealing temperatures)
    Temperature (C) Time (Min:sec)
    98 0:30
    98 x 30 cycles 0:10
    grad. 62 (silk) 58.4 (silk+prom) x 30 0:20
    72 x 30 0:30
    72(diluted to 1ng/uL) 2:00
    10 hold
  • PCR products run on 1% agarose gel.
  • There were some non specific bands, but the appropriate bands were present. However, the bands were kind of off. I think this is due to the samples running weird on the gel. B/c the first two lanes were the exact same sample, just aliquoted, and they ran fairly differently.
  • Performed a gel extraction and purified using Qiagen min elute gel extraction kit
  • Results : 115 ng/ ul for silk tube #1, 86 ng/ul tube #2 (8.8 ul each tube) 136 ng/ul promoter + silk