Team:UCLA/Notebook/Materials/19 August 2015

Attempt and Fail of spinning HFIP Silk

component volume total mass
lyophilized silk N/A 134 mg
HFIP 447 uL N/A
Tamura (2.970 mg/mL) 90.24 uL 0.268 mg
    • When the Tamura was added, small liquid bubbles appeared on the surface of the HFIP. They looked kind of like oil bubbles on water
      • I think that the bubbles are water that isn't mixing with the HFIP
        • This makes no sense though -- Wikipedia states that HFIP is miscible with water
        • Other sources corroborate that HFIP should be miscible with water. After all, the main point of HFIP is that it's crazy strong at hydrogen bonding
        • Alternatively, maybe the bubbles are protein aggregates? They look so liquid though
    • After about an hour or so, there were two pieces that were still solid in the liquid
      • I poked at them with a pipette tip to try to push them and dissolve them
        • They behaved exactly like gels
    • After about another hour, I tried to pipette the dope to place into the syringe
    • the damn dope had gelled up and I could not pipette it.
    • vortexing
    • the fact that I used a pipette tip to mix the dope around
    • addition of water in the Tamura
    • Chop up the lyophilized silk into smaller pieces
      • I placed large chunks of silk into the HFIP today

Concentration Dialysis

  • Started at 3:00 PM
    • Aim for 17 hours on the concentration dialysis, so end it at 8:00 AM tomorrow
    • I'm doing 17 hours because so far, even 19 hours has caused the silk in the cassette to gel.
    • ANOTHER NOTE: I accidentally made the concentration solution 100 g PEG in 1000mL water, instead of 100 g PEG in 900mL water, as the protocol states. So I fucked up, this causes less osmotic pressure on the cassette, so honestly I won't be able to tell if it was the lower osmotic pressure or the shorter concentration time that makes a difference tomorrow.

  • ENDED at 8:10 AM the next day
    • Enormous differences!
    • The dope was so much easier to remove from the cassette
    • I believe that I removed most, if not all of the silk in the cassette (~3 mL)
    • It's not as viscous as the dope usually is when extracted from the cassette.
    • Pipetted 100 uL to test the concentration.
      • There was 0.014 grams in dried silk, meaning 14mg/100uL = 140mg/mL = 14% w/v.