Team:UCLA/Notebook/Materials/27 August 2015

Spinning with the godet, attempt 1

  • 90% v/v Isopropanol coagulation bath
  • We first tried a godet speed of 15.67 steps/second
    • Yesterday, we tried to measure the speed at which the fiber comes out of the tubing and obtained ___.
  • godet was way too slow. The thread drooped to the bath floor and the thread coming out of the PEEK tubing was just bunching at the bottom.
  • Tried bumping the speed all the way up to 15.6719 x 14
  • This cut some of the slack in the thread
    • However, I observed something strange: it seemed that the faster that the godet reeled the thread, the faster the thread came out of the tubing
    • So it never happened as we envisioned -- that the thread would be taut coming out of the PEEK tubing

Spinning with the godet, attempt 2

  • I was frustrated with the godet, so I had the idea to reel the silk around something that I could spin with my hands. Used a 25 mL pipette
  • I used tweezers to pick up the fiber and wind it around the pipette
  • I spun the pipette slowly at first, but realized that the fiber in the bath was still slack
  • I then started spinning the pipette as fast as I could -- remarkably, the fiber tolerated this, and was still slack in the bath!!

Spinning with the godet, attempt 3

  • Hands getting tired. I decided to let the motors do the work.
  • Set up the godet outside of the bath. See picture.
Silk spinner or shitty Rube Goldberg machine?
  • Here's the weird part, the fiber ended up being kind of slack-ish?
    • The thread would drop vertically down from the PEEK tubing as it emerged
    • But before touching the floor, it would be pulled upward towards the surface
    • Right below the thread, there would be some white stuff. Not sure what it was -- water? silk stuffs? It dispersed when agitated with tweezers.
  • Occasionally, the thread had imperfections (i.e. clumps)
  • Regardless, we got a fair amount of thread.
seriously, a small volume of dope yields a crazy long length of thread.
  • Retroactive edit: On August 28, I collected the fibers from the godet. It glows, kind of? It's near impossible to tell when placed on plastic.