Team:UCLA/Notebook/Recombinant Expression/11 August 2015

Cell Lysis and Protein Extraction of MaSP2 9-mer and 12-mer constructs from BL21(DE3) cells

  • Followed using the protocol from Teule, et. al. 2012.
    • Lysis resulted in an extremely thick and viscous supernatant, with a clear yellow/tan color. Initial addition of deoxycholic acid to the cells seems very extreme; 1.5g/g of cells in lysis buffer. Results in a very thick paste forming; not quite sure if the membrane proteins are truly precipitating.
    • Additionally, a white, film/fibre like substance formed a layer on top of the lysate. Not quite sure exactly what this debris may be, but will run on an SDS PAGe gel tomorrow to analyze debris content.
    • Pellet saved after supernatant formation is viscous and snot like in nature; may possible be genomic DNA. Residual genomic DNA in the sample must be digested using DNase (3 uL total), to remove DNA from the solution before IMAC purification.