Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/17 June 2015



PCR Amplifcation

  • Set up 17x 25 uL reactions for each species of MaSp.
  • Used 110 pg per 25 uL reaction
AB (112 pg/uL) BC (205 pg/uL) CA(219 pg/uL)
5x Q5 Buffer 85 uL
10 mM dNTPs 8.5 uL
10 uM For 21.25 uL
10 uM Rev 21.25 uL
Template 16.70 uL 9.12 uL 8.54 uL
Q5 Polymerase 4.25 uL
5x GC Enhancer 85 uL
ddH2O 183.05 uL 190.63 uL 191.21 uL
Total 425 uL
98 C 30 sec
98 C 10 sec
63 C 15 sec
72 C 15 sec
repeat from step 2 18x
72 C 2 min
12 C hold

PCR Purification

  • We PCR purified using Zymo DNA Clean and Concentrator -5.
  • Pooled 4x 50 uL reactions into one column.
  • Right before elution with ddH2O, noticed some precipitate in the columns. Probably salts. We avoided touching it as much as possible.


Concentration (ng/uL) A 260/280
AB 393.13 1.76
BC 149.29 3.90
CA 322.87 1.58
  • AB appears fine
  • The graph for BC was very messy, and there is probably error in the DNA concentration
  • CA appears okay, but with some messy graph peaks.
  • In the future, may want to use less template if this is a problem, and use fresh DNA and dNTPs