Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/19 June 2015


6/19/2015: Testing ICA

Plan for ICA

Plan on creating a 3-mer, complete with initiator, terminator. Some slight modifications from Briggs et al.

  1. 5 uL of Magnabind streptavidin beads.
  2. wash 2x using 2x BW buffer (15 uL washes).
    1. resuspend in 5 uL 2x BW buffer.
    2. Add 1 uL of 5 uM initiator and 4 uL ddH2O.
  3. Rotate at RT 30 min.
  4. Wash 2x using 0.5x BW buffer.
  5. set up a 10 uL ligation reaction containing the following:
    • 5 uL 2x T7 Ligase Buffer
    • 50 ng relevant DNA (see table below)
    • 1 uL of relevant cap (5 uM concentration)
    • ddH2O to 10 uL.
  6. Incubate at RT for 10 min.
  7. Repeat steps 5,6 for BC, CA and Terminator.
  8. Wash 1x using ddH2O.
  9. Elute in 15 uL of 0.01% Tween-20 at 95 C for 3 min.
  10. Assess ICA using e-gel and PCR amplification at different cycles (12, 15, 17, 20)
Concentration (ng/uL) Volume for 50 ng (uL)
AB 41.5 1.2
BC 51 0.98
CA 36.8 1.36

ICA Assessment


  • ran with David on 1% e-gel.
  • used 2.5 uL of eluted sample
  • used 1 uL of 100 bp ladder
  • diluted all samples to 20 uL using ddH2O
  • Nothing showed up. (no picture)
  • Decided to go ahead with PCR anyway, since there MIGHT be something.


  • Set up 4x 25 uL reactions each with 1 uL of eluted sample as the template and post-elution primers.
  • Followed Q5 protocolaccording to NEB, with the addition of GC enhancer.
  • We used the following cycle scheme:
98 C 30 sec
98 C 10 sec
66 C 15 sec
72 C 20 sec
repeat from step 2 12, 15, 17, 20x
72 C 2 min
12 C hold
  • cast 1.5% TAE gel to visualize. Used 2 ul of 100 bp ladder.
Fig. 1 PCR amplification of 3-mer ICA eluate using post-elution primers. The expected product is 400 bp. There is no amplification in any of the lanes.
  • From the PCR, we can conclude that there was no finished ICA product.
  • This problem may lie in improper bead binding, improper ligations, or incorrect PCR.
  • MANY reasons why this might fail.
  • Tomorrow, test the streptavidin/biotin bead binding.