Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/22 April 2015




1 Bacterial Transformation

Observed many colonies growing on the plates. We will do colony PCR to verify proper insertion.

2 Colony PCR

Picked four colonies from each plate. Resuspended each each colony in 100 uL water. Used protocol below:

1x Reaction (uL)12x Reaction (uL)
5x Q5 buffer 5 60
10 mM dNTPs 0.5 6
10 uM For (VF2) 1.25 15
10 uM Rev (post-elution G-03)1.25 15
Colony (Resuspended) 1 uL 1 uL
5x GC Enhancer 5 60
Q5 polymerase 0.25 3
ddH2O 10.75 129
Total 25 300

98 C 3 min
98 C 10 sec
66 C 15 sec
72 C 15 sec
repeat from step 225 x
72 C 2 min
12 C hold

3 Results

Cast 1.0% gel to visualize.


Figure 1: Colony PCR to verify incorporation of insert.

We picked colonies 3 and 4 from each construct and grew 5 mL liquid culture for miniprep and sequencing tomorrow. Renumbered the cultures to 1 and 2 respectively.

4 Column purification of MaSp2 PCA

Used zymo kit to purify yesterday’s MaSp2 PCA reactions. Eluted in 10 uL EB. Results below:

Concentration (ng/uL)

5 BsaI Digestion of PCA products from 4/21/2015

Set up 2x 25 uL reactions for each:

2AB(279 ng/uL)2BC (155 ng/uL)2CA (237 ng/uL)
DNA 2 uL ( 560 ng) 5 uL ( 770 ng) 2.5 uL ( 590 ng)
10x Cutsmart2.5 uL: 2.5 uL 2.5 uL
ddH2O 18.5 uL 15.5 uL: 18 uL
BsaI 2 uL 2 uL 2 uL
Total 25 uL 25 uL 25 uL

50 C2 hr
65 C 20 min

The digestion products were column purified using zymo kit with the following yields:

Concentration (ng/uL)A 260/280
2AB24.7 2.09
2BC55.17 1.9
2CA22.38 2.14