Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/22 July 2015



Transformation Results

  • Colonies are present on all plates from yesterday.


  • Used Zymo Classic kit to prep M2-9(T7) and M2-SeqAB
Concentration (ng/uL) A 260/280
M2-9(T7)-1 590.49 1.86
M2-9(T7)-2 614.07 1.84
M2-9(T7)-3 392.19 1.84
M2-Seq AB 1117.69 1.88
  • Sent M2-9(T7) samples for sequencing using VF/R primers as needed.

BsaI Digestion for M2-Seq AB

  • Digest 5 ug of M2-SeqAB plasmid in 50 uL reaction with 4 uL of BsaI.
Volume (uL)
BsaI 4
10x Cutsmart 5
DNA 4.47
ddH2O 36.53
  • Ran digest on 1.5% TAE gel. Used 2 uL of 50 bp ladder.
Fig. 1BsaI Digestion of MaSp2 Seq AB. The Expected product size is 102 bp.
  • The digestion worked, but it is not as complete as previous digestions have been. Compare to previously.

Midi prep for M2-AB

  • Used Qiagen Kit, eluted in 200 uL EB.
  • Approximately 100 ng/uL for each)
  • May need to only digest 4 ug of each in the future.

Bacterial Culture

  • Picked three colonies from each plate from yesterday.
    • Grow in 5 uL liquid culture.
  • Streaked one plate with all three of the M2-9(T7) samples we sent for sequencing.