Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/2 July 2015



Gel Extraction for Yesterday

  • Extracted BsaI digested MaSp, as well as the 6-mer.
Concentration (ng/uL) A 260/280
AB-1 14.19 2.52
AB-2 24.4 3.42
BC-1 22.21 2.97
BC-2 25.99 2.88
CA-1 32.92 3.74
CA-2 26.98 3.03
6-mer (no beads) 42.64 3.75

PCR Amplification of 6-mer (no beads)

  • Used post elution primers to amplify the extracted 6-mer.
  • Will cycle test to determine optimal conditions.
  • Set up 2x 25 uL reactions, testing 17x and 20x cycles.
  • For template, used 100 uL of 1:100 dilution of the gel-extracted 6-mer (no beads). ~43 pg of template per reaction.
Volume (uL)
5x Q5 buffer 5
10 mM dNTPs 0.5
10 uM For 1.25
10 uM Rev 1.25
Template (~43 pg) 1
Q5 Polymerase 0.25
5x GC enhancer 5
ddH2O 10.75
Total 25 uL
98 C 30 sec
98 C 10 sec
66 C 15 sec
72 C 29 sec
repeat from step 2 17x, 20x
72 C 2 min
12 C hold


  • Cast 1% TAE gel, used 2 uL of 100 bp ladder to visualize result.
Fig. 1 Post-elution amplification of 6-mer (no beads). The desired product is ~712 bp. There are unexpected bands at 400 and 100 bp. These are probably due to non-specific amplification
  • This PCR confirms that the 712 bp band is the desired 6 mer.
  • The presence of other amplification products may be due to contamination of template by 3-mers (406 bp size) or IT construct (100 bp size). May also be due to non-specific amplification.
  • We can try temperature testing in the future.
  • I also want to try PCR without the GC-enhancer.


  • Excised the 712 band from above, and used qiagen kit to extract.
  • Got 17.9 ng/uL, A 260/280: 2.5