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The culture was purificated in the same way as the days before.
The culture was purified in the same way as the days before.

Revision as of 12:46, 17 September 2015


Preparation of ONCs

Two times 5 mL LB were inoculated with TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Preparation of Glycerol Stocks

Glycerol stocks of TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry were prepared according to the glycerol stock generation protocol.

Preparation of electrocompetent Cells

Electrocompetent cells of TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry were prepared according to the electrocompetent E.coli cells protocol.

Preparation of over-night culture (ONC)

Two times 5 mL LB were inoculated with TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Preparation of electrocompetent Cells

Electrocompetent cells of TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry were prepared according to the electrocompetent E.coli cells protocol.


Preparation of day culture

20 mL LB were inoculated with TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry for flow cytometry and grown to an optical density (OD) of 0.5. No minicells could be detected.



A GFP plasmid with Chloramphenicol resistance gene was transformed into TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry via electroporation according to the Transformation into electrocompetent cells protocol.


Preparation of ONC

50 mL LB were inoculated with TB43 GFP and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Preparation of Minicells

TB43 GFP and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP were treated according to the Preparation of Mini Cells protocol. Samples were taken and minicells could be detected via flow cytometry but only with very low yields.


Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with TB43, TB43 HU-mCherry, TB43 GFP and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Preparation of chemocompetent Cells

Chemocompetent cells of TB43, TB43 GFP, TB43 HU-mCherry and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP were prepared according to the competent E.coli cells (RbCl) protocol.


Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with TB43, TB43 HU-mCherry, TB43 GFP and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.

Preparation of M9 Minimal Medium

Two different M9 minimal media were prepared. Both contained 5x M9 salts, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.1 mM CaCl2 and ddH2O, one additionally 0.4% glucose. The media were sterile filtered.


Plasmid Preparation

Cultures containing a plasmid which encodes enzymes for the biosynthesis of β-carotene (Car) were treated according to the Transformation into chemocompetent (RbCl) cells protocol.



Carotinoid plasmids were transformed into chemocompetent TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry according to Transformation into chemocompetent (RbCl) cells protocol.

Plasmid Preparation

Cultures containing a plasmid which encodes enzymes for the biosynthesis of violacein were treated according to the Macherey-Nagel Plasmid DNA Purification protocol.


Preparation of ONC

Four times 5 mL LB was inoculated with TB43 Car and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Plasmid Preparation

ONC were treated according to the Macherey-Nagel Plasmid DNA Purification protocol.


Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with TB43, TB43 GFP, TB43 HU-mCherry, TB43 HU-mCherry GFP and TB43 Car and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Preparation of ONC

5 mL M9 minimal medium were inoculated with TB43, TB43 GFP, TB43 HU-mCherry, TB43 HU-mCherry GFP and TB43 Car and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Growth Curve

TB43, TB43 HU-mCherry, TB43 GFP and TB43 HU-mCherry GFP were cultivated in LB and M9 minimal medium and grown to an OD of 0.5. No minicells could be detected by flow cytometry.

Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated from colonies of the first plate (TB43 and TB43 HU-mCherry) and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.


Growth Curve

The procedure from 15/09/05 was repeated with the same result. The calibration of the side scatter sensor of the flow cytometer appeared to be wrong.


Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with the violacein and β-carotene plasmid containing strains and incubated at 37 °C and 200 rpm.

Plasmid Preparation

The cultures containing the constructs AL11 (GFP & Amp-resistance) and AL13 (RFP & Amp-resistance) were treated according to the Macherey-Nagel Plasmid DNA Purification protocol.


Plasmid Preparation

Cultures with a deletion of the MinC gene were treated according to the Macherey-Nagel Plasmid DNA Purification protocol.


The backbone pILS was amplified according to the Standard PCR protocol. 1 μL template DNA was used.

Gel Extraction

The PCR product was cleaned according to the modified gel extraction protocol.

Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with all previous minicell producing strains (both, with and without additional plasmids).


Preparation of electrocompetent Cells

ONC from 15/09/08 were treated according to the competent E.coli cells (Electroporation) protocol.


All fluorescent protein producing plasmids (both, inducible and constitutive promoters) were transformed into minicell producing strains according to according to the Transformation into electrocompetent cells protocol.

Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB were inoculated with AL11 and AL13 for induction assays.



The primers iMC1 and iMC2 were used. The product was cleaned up according to the modified gel extraction protocol.


The primers iMC3 and iILS5 were used. The product was cleaned up according to the modified gel extraction protocol.


A construct for the production of a sRNA was built according to the standard CPEC protocol.


The ONC were examined via fluorescence microscopy. Minicells could clearly be detected.


Plasmid Preparation

Cultures containing the constructs pAB.001 and M13K07 were treated according to the Macherey-Nagel Plasmid DNA Purification Kit protocol.

Flow Cytometry

ONC of minicell producing strains were examined via flow cytometry. The calibration of the side scatter sensor was still not right but minicells could be identified by comparison with a negative control.


Growth Curve

TB43 with and without HU-mCherry were cultivated in LB and examined in the flow cytometer and the plate reader.

Preparation of Glycerol Stocks

ONC of minicell-producing strains containing the constructs AL11 and AL13 were treated according to the glycerol stock generation protocol.

Preparation of ONC

5 mL LB+CAM were inoculated with TB43 AL11 & TB43 AL13 for an inducer assay.


4 PCRs were prepared. The first with primers iMC1, iMC2 and template pAB001, the second with primers iMC3, iILS5 and template pAB001, the third with primers iILS1, iILS2 and template pILS8. The fourth one was an extension PCR with the products of PCR 1 & 2 as templates.


A CPEC was performed to build the sRNA encoding plasmids according to the CPEC standard protocol. One reaction used the PCR products 1 & 2 as template, the other one was performed with the product of the extension PCR.



Due to a dissatisfying result, the CPEC from 15/09/12 was repeated. Additionally, the construct was built by a Gibson Assembly according to the respective protocol.


The CPEC and Gibson Assembly products were dialyzed for 15 min each and transformed into electrocompetent NEB Turbo and chemocompetent DH5α cells.


Preparation of ONC

ONC of TB43 were prepared and then cultivated in 600 mL LB.

Purification of Minicells

To isolate the produced minicells, the TB43 cultures were centrifuged for 15 min at 4 °C and 4,000 rpm. The supernatant was filtered twice over 0.45 μm filters and once over a 0.22 μm filter. The minicells were washed from the filter and rebuffered into glucose-free M9 minimal medium.

Preparation of HPLC samples

Glucose was added to the minicell suspension. In steps of 1 min, samples were taken and quenched with acetonitrile.


Preparation of ONC

ONC of TB43, TB43 AL11 and TB43 AL13 were prepared and then cultivated in 600 mL LB, each.

Purification of Minicells

All cultures were treated according to the minicell purification protocol from 15/09/14.

Preparation of HPLC samples

A HPLC sample of the TB43 minicells was taken. Glucose was added to the culture, a second sample was taken after 5 min.


Preparation of ONC

An ONC of MG1655 as negative control was prepared and then cultivated in 300 mL LB.

Purification of Minicells

The culture was purified in the same way as the days before.

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iGEM Marburg - ZSM Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 16, D - 35043 Marburg