Team:Czech Republic/Notebook



Week 1 (4-10)

Module 2

PCR of the ste2 gene from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7284 strain (Genome extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 gel-05-04.png

Cloning of the amplified ste2 into pRSII416 vector (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Verification of the pRSII416_ste2 construct (Miniprep, Restriction digest, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 Ste2verif.png

Summary: We successfully obtained ste2 gene from the yeast genome and cloned it into pRSII416 vector.

Module 3

Gel verification of pCT302 yeast display plasmid

Week 2 (11-17)

Module 2

PCR of the incomplete MF(ALPHA)1 locus (see the Design page for details) from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7283 strain (Genome extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 AlphaF1.png

Band-stab PCR of the amplified incomplete MF(ALPHA)1 locus in order to add the actual pheromone and a stop codon.

Czech Republic M2 AlphaF2.png

Cloning of the obtained pheromone into pRSII416 vector (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Verification of the pRSII416_sc_alpha construct (Miniprep, Restriction digest, Gel electrophoresis).

Summary: We successfully obtained mating pheromone from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with its secretion tag and cloned it into pRSII416 vector. We also prepared pCUP1 promoter for the cloning upstream of this pheromone.

Module 3


Week 3 (18-24)

Module 2

PCR amplification of pGAL1 promoter from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7284 strain (PCR, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic M2 pGal.png

Cloning of the amplified pCUP1 from Week 2 into pRSII416_sc_alpha plasmid (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Verification of the pRSII416_pCUP1_sc_alpha construct (Miniprep, Restriction digest, Gel electrophoresis).

Czech Republic pCup-alpha.png

Summary: We have successfully obtained plasmid with a mating pheromone under the control of pCUP1 promoter and prepared pGAL1 promoter for the control of ste2 gene.

Module 3


Week 4 (25-31)

Module 3



Week 5 (1-07)

Week 6 (08-14)

Week 7 (15-21)

Week 8 (22-28)

Week 9 (29-05)

Module 5

PDMS molding (40μm high silicon masters)


Week 10 (06-12)

Week 11 (13-19)

Week 12 (20-26)

Week 13 (27-02)


Week 14 (03-09)

Module 3

Transformation of the EBY100 yeast cells with the streptavidin yeast display plasmid (Transformation).

Growing and induction of the yeast transformants in 20 °C and 30 °C. Induction in 20 °C was used because streptavidin monomers tend to fold incorrectly in higher temperatures.

Microfluidics experiments examined functionality of the displayed streptavidin. Microfluidics chips covered with biotinylated gelatin were used in our case.

Summary: Transformed yeast cells were not able to bind to the biotinylated surface. This could be due to a several reasons. Firstly, streptavidin monomers could be folded incorrectly. Secondly, functional streptavdin unit composes of four streptavidin monomers, there is only a little chance that four of the displayed monomers will be in the correct conformational positions to form functional streptavidin unit. Thirdly, there might not be enough of biotin molecules on the microfluidic chips for mediating the cell to chip connection. We also decided that expressing both Aga1 and Aga2 with constitutive promoter could be a better idea, as yeast with plasmids using galactose promoters need to grow in a medium containing sacharose/galactose ergo grow slower.

Week 15 (10-16)

Module 3

Adding of the restriction sites at the end of EpCAM gBlock. One reaction added restriction sites needed for cloning into yeast display plasmid, the other added restriction sites needed for cloning into pRSII plasmid needed for secrection of EpCAM protein (PCR).

Purification of the PCR products and subsequent restriction digest with according restriction enzymes. gBlocks encoding Anti-cMyc scFv, Anti-EpCAM scFv and Anti-HuA scFv were also digested, but only for the use in yeast display plasmids (Restriction digest).

Gel purified inserts were ligated either with the yeast display plasmid (pCT3O2) or the secretion plasmid - only EpCAM ORF (pRSII 416 with inducible CUP1 promoter and pheromone signalling sequence). Ligation products were transformed into DH5alpha bacteria cells (Ligation, Transformation).

Miniprep of transformants and restriction digest testing (Restriction digest).

Summary: We were unable to obtain any usable transformants with the secretion plasmid, however this project was canceled because of more pressing issues. Sequencing data showed that inserts in the yeast display plasmids are in frame and without any mutations.

Week 16 (17-23)

Module 3

PCR of the pTV3 promoter and CYC1 transcription terminator (PCR).

Restricted PCR products were gel purified and ligated. Ligation product was PCR amplified with primers used in the preceding PCR reaction (5' primer for pTV3 promoter, 3' primer for CYC1 transcription factor) (PCR, Restriction digest, Ligation).

PCR product (expression cassette) was restricted for use in pRSII 413 and pRSII 415 plasmids (Restriction digest).

Ligation with given vectors and transformation of DH5aplha bacteria cells (Ligation, Transformation).

Summary: We were not successfull in creating the universal expression vectors (pRSII 413/415 + expression cassette).

Module 5

Bonding of PDMS to glass (6 microfluidic chips encapsulated on two glass slides)

Week 17 (24-30)

Module 3

PCR amplification of the Aga1 gene from the genome and purification of the product(Genome extraction).

Restriction digest of yeast display plasmids(pCT302 Anti-cMyc/Anti-EpCAM/Anti-HuA/EpCAM/Streptavidin) and PCR product encoding Aga1 protein(Restriction digest).

Ligation of expression cassette and pRSII 413/415 plasmids(Ligation).

Transformation of DH5alpha bacteria cells, patches, minipreps and restriction digest testing(Transformation, Restriction digest).

Summary: We were not able to obtain correct expression vectors. However, we were successful at amplification of the Aga1 gene from genome and we also purified constructs encoding Aga2 and Anti-cMyc/Anti-EpCAM/Anti-HuA/EpCAM/Streptavidin fusion genes. Since our expression vector was not ready for cloning, we could not proceed.

Week 18 (31-06)

Module 3

We transformed EBY100 yeast cells with Anti-cMyc, Anti-EpCAM, Anti-HuA and EpCAM inducible yeast display plasmids(Transformation).

Restriction of expression cassette and pRSII 413 and pRSII 415 vectors, subsequent gel purification, ligation and transformation of DH5alpha bacterial cells (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Summary: Transformation of EBY100 yeast cells was not successful, no colonies were visible on the solid growing medium. The last attempt of universal expression plasmid (expression cassette on pRSII 413 and pRSII 415 plasmids) construction was not successfull.

Module 5

Signal transmission experiments in microfluidics: MATx + MATa pFUS1-GFP.


Week 19 (07-13)

Module 3

PCR amplification of Anti-cMyc, Anti-EpCAM and EpCAM BioBricks from yeast display plasmids (PCR).

Purification of the PCR products, ligation and transformation to DH5alpha bacterial cells (Restriction digest, Ligation, Transformation).

Second attempt of yeast transforamtion with Anti-cMyc, Anti-EpCAM, Anti-HuA and EpCAM inducible yeast display plasmids(Transformation).

Summary: We successfully transformed EBY100 yeast cells with four different types of yeast display plasmid. We also constructed the final BioBrick plasmids.

Module 5

Bonding of PDMS to glass (3 microfluidic chips encapsulated on a glass slide)

Signal transmission experiments in microfluidics: MATx + MATa pFUS1-GFP.

Week 20 (14-20)