
Team pictures

Team picture - keeping it simple.

Team picture - making it fly!

Are you reading university's newspaper?

In a row.

Vilnius15 team4.jpg

Vilnius15 team4.jpg

Meetup with the SDU iGEM team

SDU and Vilnius iGEM teams during lectures at the Institute of Biotechnology.

Discussing project planning at the local caffee.

Tasting local foods.

Explaining microfluidics

During the lecture about microfluidics

Taking a glance at the microscope


Presenting our work at Innovation Drift fair

Dainius, presenting our project to the ministers at Innovation Drift fair

Our instructor Dainius, helping us out at Innovation Drift fair

Explaining how DNA molecule works

Working on wiki even at Innovation fair!

Ingrida, after the presentation to KTU gymnasium students

After the first presentation to the advisors

Ieva, giving presentation in school

Barbora, giving presentation in school

Dry lab

Mykolas suggested toxin-antitoxin system.

Brainstorming the possible project ideas

Discussing work plan.

Discussions about the workflow.

Brainstorming ideas for our movie.

Work plan.