

It is essential to spread the word of science to the public! To achieve our educational goals we made the contact with the scien­tific and non-scientific society. We visited schools all around the country, organized Cafe Scienti­fique. Click below to find out more about those events.


During our project we collaborated with several other iGEM teams. We helped to characterize parts, filled in various question sheets, met up with the members of other teams! Click below to find out more.


Our team is more than sure, that it is essential to bring the topics of synthetic biology to daylight. We developed some serious discus­sions about genetically modified organisms and their usage, con­ducted a survey and asked for opinions from different background people. Click below to find out more.


We organized a few events, related with the topic of our project, such as Cafe Scientifique, where we talked about synthetic biology, and discussion with commity of GMO of Lithuania, where we exchanged views about GMO usage and legislation in Lithuania.