




  • Western immuno-blotting with anti His6 sequence was performed to validate three biobricks: BBa_K1773022, BBa_K1773023 and BBa_K1773024. Proteins were generated and detected. Experiment was sucessful and we have obtained expression of Cascade constructs. Also we conducted in vivo experiments with BBa_K1773022, where we showed, that this biobrick works as expected – it attacks cell host genomic DNA, when other needed parts are present, and causes cell death.For more information check out our results.
  • We registered 4 biobricks for this criteria. There are: BBa_K1773022, BBa_K1773023 and BBa_K1773003.
  • When we were brainstorming our ideas, we noticed one big fear of lithuanian people. GMO usage affects every day and the biggest fear is that GMO may be uncontrolled. There is a probability that GMO will spread or mutate after some time in the environment. We created a system that controlls GMOs. With this systems GMOs can be used safely. It can take away a fear and let to use modified organisms in many ways. Also controlling modifed organism can take away a tense between scientists and society. With this project we created an essencial dialouge between two groups of people. We done a lot of things, which proves that we are worth to win a medal:
    • we created a disscusion in Cafe Scientifique;
    • we visited high scools, gave lectures there and created disscusions.
    More information about our human practices activity is in our Wiki.



  • Our project – Coliclock – is a system that can control GMO. After the disscusions with students we receive the information that we and sociaty need more knowledge and education about GMO, so we had a meeting with GMO committee of Lithuania. It was necessary to understand laws about to GMO and attitude of society. Also we made a survey (linkas) and asked lithuanian people their oppinion about GMO. As a conclusion we can say that our project, which is associated with GMO, was a good choise (especialy in Lithuania) and helped us to crystalize an idea. We understood that people have to work on genetically engineerd organisms – create them, test them, use them, but also control them.Things, we have done to acieve gold medal:
      • we analyzed lithuanian people answers of the survey;
      • we have met GMO comitee.
      More information about our human practices activity is in our Wiki.