Team:Czech Republic/Collaborations


Team Chalmers Gothenburg

As a new iGEM team we were searching for other iGEM teams to discuss our ideas and hear their experience. We contacted several teams that worked on projects related to our concept during previous years. We were really excited that all of these teams answer to our e-mails. Eventually, our biggest collaboration has been with team Chalmers Gothenburg from Sweden.

Like us, team Chalmers Gothenburg is working with yeast mating pheromone pathway. Their project Study in Scarlet is focusing on detection of contamination using yeast. See their wiki for more information.

We had several Skype meetings and exchanged many friendly and helpful e-mails. Team Chalmers Gothenburg showed deep interest in our simulator CeCe. Therefore, we decided to create a simulation of their contamination detection. See our Software wiki page or Chalmers Simulation wiki page to see this amazing simulation.

Members of Chalmers team also offered us to participate in their Multinational GMO survey. Together we collected 94 survey from general public (50 Czech and 44 Swedish) and 82 from biologist (63 Czech and 19 Swedish). See our Human Practice page and Chalmers Human Practise page for more information. We want to thank to team Chalmers Gothenburg for statistical evaluation of collected data and for providing us the results.

Non-iGEM collaboration

Biomedical Center of Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

In order to get a professional opinion on our project and to learn more about cancer and CTCs, we conducted an interview with two cancer specialists, Mgr. Pavel Pitule, Ph.D. and Mgr. Pavel Ostašov, Ph.D. All employees also filled our GMO survey.

Faculty of Applied Sciences