Team:UCLA/Notebook/Spider Silk Genetics/1 July 2015



Initiator Binding Test

  • Test initiator binding only.
    • Bind, then elute, then analyze on e-gel.
  • Test four conditions:
  1. Init only
  2. Init + beads, then elute
  3. Init + A + B
  4. Init + term.
  • 1 uL of 5 uM initiator used, 1 uL of 5 uM terminator.
  • 50 ng of each other fragments.
  • The same protocol as 6/19/2015 was used, with the following modifications.
    • initial binding time was increased to 45 minutes.
    • Washes were performed using 100 uL of solution.


  • After elution, we visualized the constructs on 1% e-gel.
  • Nothing showed up on the gel, although we expect the initiator in condition 1 to appear.
    • Possibly due to mistakes made during sample preparation.

BsaI Digestion

  • Set up 2x 50 uL reactions for each MaSp monomer.
  • Digested ~5 ug of each MaSp plasmid using 4 uL of BsaI.
  • Incubated 2 hours at 50 C, then heat for 20 minutes at 65 C.
  • Visualized results on 1.5% gel, using 2 uL of 50 bp ladder.
Fig. 1 BsaI digestion of MaSp plasmids. The desired product is 102 bp in size.
  • We excised the bands for purification tomorrow.

MaSp 2 6-mer ligation

  • Tested 6-mer creation without use of beads.
  • Experimentally create: IAB--CA--BCT, then pool all three sub-constructs together.
  • Each sub-construct was ligated for 10 minutes at 25 C, then all three were pooled together, then incubated for another 10 minutes at 25 C.
DNA 1 1 uL 2.11 uL 1.74 uL
DNA 2 1.67 uL 1.67 uL 2.11 uL
DNA 3 1.74 uL n/a 1 uL
2x T7 Ligase Buffer 5 uL 5 uL 5 uL
T7 Ligase 0.5 uL 0.5 uL 0.5 uL
ddH2O 0.09 uL 0.72 uL -0.35 uL*
Total 10 uL 10 uL 10.35 uL
  • *The reaction volume for BCT slightly exceeded 10 uL.


  • Ran the ligation product on 1% TAE gel, using 2 uL 100 bp ladder.
Fig. 2 Ligation of MaSp2 6-mer. The expected product for a 6-mer ligation is ~712 bp. There are other bands present that may be due to other possible ligation events.
  • We successfully created a 6-mer ligation product without beads, although the results is far from efficient due to the presence of a number of bands that correspond to other ligation events.
  • We excised the 712 bp band for gel extraction tomorrow.
  • We plan to PCR amplify the 6-mer and ligate it into pSB1C3.
  • This result indicates that successive ligation can only be perfomed twice, as ligation efficiency decreases dramatically. This means that for creating larger MaSp constructs such as 12- or 15-mers, we would need successive ligation and purification steps to achieve efficient construction.