Team:Aachen/Notebook/Construction Manuals

Our bioreactor consists of several modules that can theoretically be used independently. Here we provide construction manuals and more detailed information:


Cost Estimation to Create your Own Bioreactor

The following table gives you an overview of the costs for a complete system consisting of three bioreactors with three pumps and a biomass sensor each.


Bioreactor 1€= $1.13 on 17/09/2014
Quantity Component Costs [€] Costs [$] Final [€] Final [$]
OD device
1 LED Dialight 5502505F 0.98 [1] 1.11 0.98 1.11
1 TSL 235 R photo transistor 3.41 [2] 3.85 3.41 3.85
1 180 Ohm resistor 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12
4 M3 screw 20mm 0.32 0.36 1.28 1.44
3 total 5.78 6.53 17.34 19.59
3 NEMA 17 Step Motor 7.08 8.00 [3] 21.24 24.00
3 A4988 Stepper Driver 1.33 1.50 [4] 3.99 4.50
3 220uF capacitor 0.15 0.17 0.45 0.51
15 Ball Bearing 3x7x3 0.84 0.95 12.60 14.20
18 M3 screw 6 mm 0.225 0.25 4.05 4.50
12 M3 screw 16 mm 0.305 0.345 3.66 4.14
27 M3 Washer 1.50 1.70
3 M3 Nut 0.75 0.85
3 total 44.25 54.40 132.75 163.20
1 Gear Motor 19.42 21.95[5] 16.70 18.87
4 Neodym Cube Magnets 0.60 0.68 2.40 2.72
3 total 20.04 22.63 60.12 67.89
4 Plexiglass 5 mm 60x25 mm 11.50 13.00 46.00 52.00
2 Plexiglass 2 mm 60x25 mm 9.70 10.96 19.40 21.92
1 total 53.90 73.92 65.40 73.92
General Components
3 Arduino Uno 23.80 26.89 71.40 80.67
20 Connecting wires 2.50 2.83
50 Male Headers 0.06 0.07 3.00 3.50
130 Female ports 0.06 0.07 7.80 9.10
1 Double Sided Sheet for circuits 10.00 11.30 10.00 11.30
1 12 V Power Supply 2 Ampere 14.50 16.39 14.50 16.39
total 109.20 123.79
Total for three complete reactors with pumps, stirrers and analytics 384.81 448.39

Video Links

Assembly videos for each of our devices can be found here.

  1. [OD Device]
  2. [Pumps]
  3. [Stirrer]
  4. [Foundation]
  5. [OD and Needle Holder]
  6. [Pump and Circuit Box]

