Team:Paris Bettencourt/Notebook/Riboswitch

July 27th


E coli DH5-alpha transformation with RFP from iGEM plate 4 - 2H (pSB1A3 backbone)


  1. I took iGEM plate 4 - 2H (RFP, BBa_J04450 in PSB1A3 backbone) and resuspend it in 10 uL of distilled water.
  2. Used E coli competent cells from NEB 2 tubes c2987 (50uL) : 1 control (C) and one for transformation (T)
  3. Introduced 2 uL (200-300pg/ul) of my suspended plasmid solution in T.
  4. Waiting 30 min in ice
  5. Heat shock 30 sec 42°C
  6. Then 5min in ice
  7. Add 200uL SOC medium
  8. Recovery 2 hours then plate it on 3 different 100ug/mL Ampicillin LB
  9. Incubate 37°C till tomorrow


The day after I had colonies growing, nothing on my control
    I took 2 different colonies and do a 8 hours culture in two different tubes T1 an T2 in LB + Amp 100ug/mL, in order to do a glycerol stock.

July 29th


Making chemically competent cells


I followed the following method
  • The day before, start an overnight Liquid Culture of the E. coli strain. (5mL of LB + Antibiotics + Single colony)
  • The next day, set the Centrifuge at 4°C and place on ice a tube containing 15mL of 100mM CaCl2 and a tube containing 4mL of 100mM CaCl2 + 15% Glycerol.
  • In an Erlenmeyer, add 50mL of LB and 250uL of the Liquid Culture, (for quicker growth, use a larger Erlenmeyer)
  • Put the Erlenmeyer to shake at 37°C until the OD(600) reaches 0.4 - 0.5.
  • When the OD(600) is reached, transfer in a 50mL Falcon tube and centrifuge 10min at 4°C.
  • Remove the supernatant and resuspend in 15mL of ice cold 100mM CaCl2. -Leave on ice for 4h.
  • Centrifuge 10min at 4°C.
  • Remove the supernatant and resuspend in 4mL of ice cold 100mM CaCl2 + 15% Glycerol.
  • Aliquot in 1.5mL eppendorf tubes and store at -80°C until use.

  • July 30th

    Goal 1

    PCR my G block and backbone


  • PCR1 = Backbone + 068 and 069 primers, before purify
  • PCR2 = FINAL + 068 and 069 primers, before purify
  • Then PCR purification
  • Nanodrop : PCR 1 = 61ng/uL ; PCR2 = 25,4 ng/uL
  • Goal 2



    First, digestion :
  • PCR1 ADN : 40uL = 2,4 ug 4uL EcoRI, PstI, FastAp 12 uL FD buffer 56 uL water TOT =120uL
  • PCR2 ADN : 40uL = 1ug 6 uL EcoRI, PstI 12 uL FD buffer 64 uL water TOT= 128uL
  • 10 min at 37°C

  • Then PCR purification
  • Nanodrop : nanodrop : PCR 1 = 20,7 ng/uL ;PCR2 = 25,7

  • For the ligation :
  • Vector PCR1 100 ng = 5 uL; Insert PCR 2 300 ng = 12uL T4 ligase buffer 2uL ; T4 ligase 1 uL ; Total 20 uL
  • 20-40 min on the bench

  • Nanodrop : L= 270 ng/uL

  • Then I did a heat shock transformation (following the iGEM protocol : )
  • C + = 10 ng/uL of RFP in pS1C3, 2 uL transformed (10pg/ul RFP Control (pSB1C3 w/ BBa_J04450)
  • C - = nothing but efficients cells
  • T = Plasmid construct 2uL transformed
  • Each with 50 uL of chemically competents cells done yesterday.

  • Then I did 5 different plates :
  • 5 plates with 25ug/mL chloramphenicol in LB
  • 200 uL control + , 20 uL control +
  • 200 uL T , 20 uL T
  • 200 uL C -
  • Incubation overnight at 37°C

  • July 31th

    Goal 1

    Check the transformations I've done yesterday


    According to my plates my competent cells are working, red colonies on the C+. Transformation of my construction didn’t worked, I’ll start again all the process : PCR, purify, digest, ligate, integrate (heat shock), overnight culture.

    Goal 2

    PCR my backbone and my insert


  • PCR1' = Backbone + 068 and 069 primers, before purify
  • PCR2' = FINAL + 068 and 069 primers, before purify
  • After PCR and after purification : 1'p = 66,5 2'p =90,5 ng/uL
  • The gel migration shows a bad result for PCR 1’ (Linearized pSB1C3)

  • August 1st


    PCR my backbone and my insert again : 1" and 2"


    PCR then purify

    August 5th


    Ligation/transformations (insertion of FINAL block from IDT in the pSB1C3 backbone, FINAL is my Riboswitch associated with an EGFP)


  • Used 3 different insert PCR products
  • Ligation after digestion and purification of PCR2’ = 94,6ng/uL , PCR2’’= 57,5 ng/uL , PCR2’’’=83,4 ng/uL ; Backbone pSB1C3 = 37,9ng/uL
  • ' " "'
    Insert 4 7 5
    Backbone 5 5 5
    Buffer 2 2 2
    Ligase 1 1 1
    Water 8 5 7
    TOTAL 20uL 20uL 20uL
    I did then a transformation using the iGEM protocol (Heat Shock) with 50uL of chemically competent cells + 3 uL of Ligation Product for each (pSB1C3-TOTAL)
  • C + : pSB1C3-RFP
  • C - : just competent cells

  • Plated on Cm 25 ug/mL
  • 5 plates : ‘,’’,’’’,C+,C-
  • Results

  • C- : nothing
  • C+ : lot of red colonies
  • ‘ : lot
  • ‘’ : lot
  • ‘’’ : lot
  • I should have done a control transformation with just the backbone

  • August 6th

    Goal 1

    Cultivate my transformants


  • There is red and white transformant colonies, all resistant to Cm 25
  • I selected some white colonies overnight culture
  • On plate LB Cm —> it grew (some red, maybe contamination)
  • On broth LB Cm —> it grew (some red, maybe contamination)
  • Inoculated at 4:00 pm in LB Cm 25 bacteria from a culture ( red —> RFP ) with different AdoCbl concentrations in order to detect the minimal amount of B12 viable for e.coli : 5; 10; 20; 40; 80; 160 ng/mL
  • Goal 2

    PCR the pSB1C3 backbone and my FINAL riboswitch construction


  • 2 PCR each
  • I1 and I2 using primers 150 and 151
  • LP1 and LP2 using primers 152 and 153
  • Purification then nano drop : good for I2 : 112.4 ng/uL
  • Results

    It shows a good length only for I2 at 1300 bp.

    Goal 3

    Do the PCR again


    Template Primers MasterMix Water TOTAL Annealing T°C Elongation time
    I3 2ng = 2 uL 1 uL 25 uL 22 uL 50uL 56°C 2 min
    I4 2ng = 2 uL 2 uL 25 uL 21 uL 50uL
    LP3 25ng = 1uL 1 uL 25 uL 23 uL 50uL
    LP4 25ng = 1uL 2 uL 25 uL 22 uL 50uL


    After PCR purify, nanodrop (ng/uL)
    I3 I4 LP3 LP4
    30.7 177.6 86.7 93.9
    Gel migration
    Very good for LP4, good for LP3
    Nothing for I3 and I4

    August 7th

    Goal 1

    Digestion of LP4 and I2


    LP4 I2
    EcoRI 4uL 4uL
    PstI 4uL 4uL
    FastAP 4uL -
    FD Buffer 12uL 8uL
    DNA 2 ug (90 ng/uL) —> 20 uL 2ug (100 ng/uL) —> 20 uL
    Water 76 uL 44 uL
    TOTAL 120uL 80uL
    New nano drop : LP4 = 87,4 ; I2 = 90,4 ng/uL
    Waited 15 min at 37°C
    After digestion and PCR purification, nanodrop :
    38.2 ng/uL for I2 (d. and p.)
    31.2 ng/uL for LP4 (d. and p.)

    Goal 2

    Ligation of LP4dp and I2dp


    Vector LP4 dp 100 ng (31.2 ng/uL) —> 3uL
    Insert I2 dp 300 ng (38.2 ng/uL) —> 8uL
    T4 L,Buffer 2uL
    T4 ligase 1uL
    Water 6uL
    TOTAL 20 uL
    Waited 40 min on the bench (25°C)

    Goal 3

    Transformation of L*


    C- C+ T*
    ChemicallyCompetent Cells 50 uL 50 uL 50 uL
    L* - - 3 uL
    pSB1C3 with RFP 100ng/uL - 3 uL -
    iGEM Transfo protocol
    90 sec heat shock
    On saturday they were growing but no fluorescence

    August 10th

    Goal 1

    Colony PCR my T*


    Pick up 16 colonies on my two T* plates
    Put some bacteria in PCR tube + 2 uL of 148 and 149 (iGEM verification forward and backward) ;
    10uM + 50 uL of Master Mix Phusion (last in the tubes) + 45 uL of water (first in the tube)
    Waiting for a 1577 bp fragment on a gel Gel migration with a GR 1kb

    It is quiet bad

    August 11th

    Goal 1

    Do a new PCR of FINAL (G-block) and of pSB1C3 associated with RFP


    Template Primers Master Mix Phusion Water Time of elongation (72°C) T°C annealing Lenght Primers Nanodrop after purify (ng/uL)
    LP1* 5ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 2 min 56°C 2078 152 - 153 68.3
    LP2* 10ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 2 min 56°C 2078 152 - 153 133.5
    LP3* 2ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 2 min 56°C 2078 152 - 153 127.8
    F1* 2ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 1 min 58°C 1314 150 - 151 98
    F2* 3ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 1 min 58°C 1314 150 - 151 102
    F3* 1ng 2uL 25uL QSP for 50uL 1 min 58°C 1314 150 - 151 58


    Gel migration wit 1kb GR

    Goal 2

    Digestion of pSB1C3 + RFP


    Plasmid (100ng/uL) 10uL
    EcoRI 2uL
    PstI 2uL
    Buffer 6uL
    Water 38uL
    FastAP 2uL
    TOTAL 60uL


    Gel migration : order = 1kb GR - Digested product x3

    Then I cuted the 2100 fragment and did the gel extraction protocol

    Goal 3

    Digestion of pSB1C3 linearized (LP1,2,3 *) and F1,2,3 *


    F2d LP2d LP3d
    ADN 10 uL 10 uL 10 uL
    EcorRI 2 uL 2 uL 2 uL
    PstI 2 uL 2 uL 2 uL
    Buffer 4 uL 6 uL 6 uL
    Water 22 uL 38 uL 38 uL
    FastAP _ 2uL 2uL
    TOTAL 40 60 60
    Then 30min at 37°C

    Goal 4

    Ligations and transformations


    L1 L2 L3
    Vector 100ng LP2d (40.1ng/uL),2uL LP3d (21.1ng/uL),4 uL Backbone from digestion + electrophoresis extraction (9.1ng/uL), 10 uL
    Insert 300 ng (8.1ng/uL) (F2d) 30 uL 20 uL 10 uL
    T4 ligase buffer 4 uL 4 uL 2 uL
    T4 ligase 2 uL 2 uL 1 uL
    Water 0 10 uL 0
    TOTAL 40 uL 40 uL 20 uL
    Waited 20 min on the bench after mixing to do the ligation
    Used 3 uL for the transformations with 50 uL of competent cells
    (iGEM protocol) Waited 15 min instead of 30 min after put the ligation product (on ice)
    Heat shock 1 min 30
    2 hours recovery
    Plated C- (just chemically competents cells Heat Shocked) C (LP2 dp ! no ligation) L1, L2, L3


    Grew on L1, L2, L3 ; nothing on the two others
    Number of colonies :
    L1 ++ (50)
    L2 ++ (50)
    L3 +++ (100)

    August 12th

    Goal 1

    Ligation of LP2 alone and transfo for a negative control


    Vector : LP2 (40.1ng/uL) 2 uL
    No insert
    T4 ligase buffer : 4 uL
    T4 ligase : 2 uL
    Water : 32 uL
    TOTAL : 40 uL
    Transfo : use 3 uL of ligated product
    Result after culture on LB + Cm : nothing for the C and lot of colonies for L2

    Goal 2

    Colony PCR on yesterday transformations plates


    Using primers 148 - 149 (10uM), 2 uL each
    Dream Taq Master Mix : 10 uL
    Water : 6uL
    TOTAL : 20uL
    Colony n° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    Comes from L2-1 L2-2 L2-3 L2-4 L2-5 L1-1 L1-2 L1-3 L1-4 L3-1 L3-2 L3-3 L3-4


    Nothing : ?
    350 bp : recircularization (expected : 320 bp )
    Expected = 1700 ! —> nothing

    August 13th

    Goal 1



    I will digest F1* this time and try to insert it in LP2* digested too
    F1*d LP2*d
    ADN 2 ug (60,6 ng/uL) = 35 uL 2 ug (108,3 ng/uL) = 20 uL
    EcorI 4 uL 4 uL
    PstI 4 uL 4 uL
    FastAP - 4 uL
    Buffer 8 uL 12 uL
    Water 29 uL 76uL
    TOTAL 80 uL 120 uL
    Then incubated 1 h at 37°C

    Goal 2



    L4 LC (control, no insert)
    Insert 195 ng (35 ng/uL) = 6 uL -
    Vector 100 ng (35ng/uL) = 3uL 3 uL
    Ligase 1 uL 1 uL
    Ligase Buffer 2 uL 2 uL
    Water 8 uL 14 uL
    TOTAL 20 uL 20 uL
    Then waited 40 min on the bench
    And transformed 2uL of each tube in 50 uL of chemically competent cells.
    Then plated 3 petri dish (Cm 25ng/uL : 100 uL of L4; 150 uL of L4; 100 uL of LC
    37°C overnight.


    Number of colonies : 100 uL of L4 = 200 ; 150 uL of L4 = 300 ; 100 uL of LC = 3 The control is showing that my T4 colonies might have insertions

    Goal 3

    4 colony PCR on 24 colonies from L2 done yesterday with the control


    Made 4 tubes with 1 mL of water and introduced 6 colonies per tube in order to be able to do more screening. Let the tubes on the bench 1 hour (osmotic shock), then centrifugation 5 min 14 K rpm. Then took 8 uL of each suspension and put it in 4 PCR tubes.
    PCR1 PCR2 PCR3 C
    Colonies 1-6 ;8 uL 7-12 ; 8 uL 13-18 ; 8 uL 19-24 ; 8 uL
    Master Mix 10 uL 10 uL 10 uL 10 uL
    Primers 148 - 149 1 uL x 2 1 uL x 2 1 uL x 2 1 uL x 2
    Water 6 uL 6 uL 6 uL 6 uL
    TOTAL 20 uL 20 uL 20 uL 20 uL
    Result = nothing on the electrophoresis migration.
    It might be a problem in the protocol, maybe 1mL is to much and it’s over diluted so not enough template ?
    Maybe the cells didn’t exploded ?

    August 14th


    Colony PCR (16 colonies from T4)


    Suspended T4 colony in 20 uL of water 6 uL
    Primers 148 - 149 1 uL x2
    Master Mix Phusion 8 uL
    TOTAL 16 uL
    x 16
    Anealing 51°C
    Elongation time : 1:30 min
    35 cycles

    Selected colony 6 for overnight culture in LB broth + Cm25
    Also colony 5 for a control
    The electrophoresis shows a bad level of insertion ( It is strange considering that my control - had just 3 colonies growing )
    Why 2 bands in the 6th colony ? Maybe multiple plasmid insertion some with insertion, some without.
    What to do?
    Work on the 6th colony
    Change my restriction enzymes
    Use DpnI

    August 17th


    Miniprep and digest colonie 6 and 5 for control


    Using Promega SV Miniprep Kit
    Nanodrop after
    6 = 55 ng/uL
    5 = 51 ng/uL
    Digestion : Hind III enzyme (1 digestion site in my construction, inside my insert)
    5 6
    Hind III 4 uL 4 uL
    FastAP 4 uL 4 uL
    FD buffer 8 uL 8 uL
    DNA (50ng/uL) 20 uL 20 uL
    Water 44 uL 44 uL
    TOTAL 80 uL 80 uL
    Mix, Incubate 30 min 37°C PCR purification

    August 18th


    New digestion


    F2d' F3d' LP1d' LP3d'
    DNA 55ng/uL = 20uL 76 ng/uL = 15uL 76 ng/uL = 15uL 82ng/uL = 15uL
    FastAP 2uL 2uL
    EcoRI 2uL 2uL
    XbaI 2uL 2uL
    SpeI 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    FD buffer 4uL 4uL 6uL 6uL
    Water 12uL 17uL 33uL 33uL
    TOTAL 40uL 40uL 60uL 60uL
    Nanodrop after purify 41 ng/uL 21 ng/uL 16 ng/uL 68 ng/uL
    20 min at 37°C




    La (F2d’-LP1d’) La c Lb (F3d’-LP3d’) Lb c
    F2dp’ 6uL
    LP1dp’ 7uL 7uL
    F3dp’ 15uL
    LP3dp’ 2uL 2uL
    Ligase 1uL 1uL 1uL 1uL
    L buffer 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    Water 4uL 10uL 15uL
    TOTAL 20uL 20uL 20uL 20uL
    Transformed 5uL in 50 uL of competent cells - Heat shock Then plate it

    August 19th


    Yesterday plates : La (250uL) : 50
    Lb (250uL) : 0
    La c (50uL) : 1 colony
    Lb c (50uL) : 1 colony
    Nothing but competent cells : NOTHING


    Colony PCR


    Cells in 10 uL of water 2 uL
    Primers 1uL x 2
    MasterMixDreamTaq 10 uL
    Water 6 uL
    Total 20 uL
    Expected 1577bp
