
Synthetic Biology - Opportunities for interdisciplinary Research from Biology to Engineering

In June, we were invited to a symposium called Synthetic Biology - Opportunities for interdisciplinary Research from Biology to Engineering. We gladly accepted and presented our project to a broad spectrum of scientists. The following discussions lead to a huge amount of feedback on our bioreactor as well as our biological project.

It's going to be very hard to keep people from getting access [...]. They're doing it in their garages now. We have to think about how we train people and how we talk about it.

Jay Keasling

>How to deal with increasing

availibility of DIY Biology?<

In addition, we were extremely lucky to not only discuss our project, but also get an interview with the keynote speaker of this conference, Jay Keasling. Subsequently, we recorded several conversations with other speakers as well as guests of the symposium. On the one hand, these interviews touched some general questions about the progress and perception of synthetic biology. On the other hand, the main topic was the risks and benefits of community labs. As a result, we gathered a wide spectrum of opinions, which contributed to and influenced our human practices project.

Interview 1
Thanks a lot to Wisam Zureik for recording and processing the video material!

Interview 2
Thanks a lot to Wisam Zureik for recording and processing the video material!