Difference between revisions of "Team:Cambridge-JIC/Notebook"

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graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>21 July 2015: Figured out that when capturing an image with the Raspberry Pi Cam, a red LED on the board flashes and this somehow colours our pictures in green. Will have to deactivate it. Simplest solution: just cover with some black paint.</div>'));
graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>21 July 2015: Figured out that when capturing an image with the Raspberry Pi Cam, a red LED on the board flashes and this somehow colours our pictures in green. Will have to deactivate it. Simplest solution: just cover with some black paint.</div>'));
graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>22 July 2015: Update on the LED problem - a simple How To Fix: <ol> <li>Open Terminal, type in: sudo nano /boot/config.txt and hit enter.</li><li>Go to the bottom of the file and type in disable_camera_led=1, then press Ctrl+X, hit Y and press Enter.</li><li>Done! </li></ol> Dichroic filters arrived today. We will be in fluorescence mode soon! Still working on the hardware side of the setup, though.</div>'));
graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>22 July 2015: Update on the LED problem - a simple How To Fix: <ol> <li>Open Terminal, type in: sudo nano /boot/config.txt and hit enter.</li><li>Go to the bottom of the file and type in disable_camera_led=1, then press Ctrl+X, hit Y and press Enter.</li><li>Done! </li></ol> Dichroic filters arrived today. We will be in fluorescence mode soon! Still working on the hardware side of the setup, though.</div>'));
graph.commit('design', 'Hardware Design', $('<div>23 July 2015: Some advice on 3D printing - when designing holes/holders make them slightly bigger than your actual thing. Because the printer always makes them too small. We found this out the difficult way!</div>'));
graph.commit('sw', 'Software', $('<div>24 July 2015: Working on a Google Maps-like interface for our screening system. Coming soon! Never before has live observation of your samples from away been so smooth. Already being tested on a picture of <i>Marchantia</i>. Will be available in desktop/mobile versions.</div>'));
graph.commit('sw', 'Software', $('<div>24 July 2015: Working on a Google Maps-like interface for our screening system. Coming soon! Never before has live observation of your samples from away been so smooth. Already being tested on a picture of <i>Marchantia</i>. Will be available in desktop/mobile versions.</div>'));
graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>24 July 2015: Assessment of our bright-field microscope prototype: field of view width 0.2mm, resolution - well under 10 microns. Also assessed different filters (cheap vs. more expensive options). A review of these coming next week, along with fluorescence microscopy setup. Finally managed to print and assemble the fluorescent cube today. As an aside, accidentally discovered how important illumination of the sample is, because the torch we were using went battery low, and made it pretty much impossible to focus on any image.</div>'));
graph.commit('optics', 'Optics', $('<div>24 July 2015: Assessment of our bright-field microscope prototype: field of view width 0.2mm, resolution - well under 10 microns. Also assessed different filters (cheap vs. more expensive options). A review of these coming next week, along with fluorescence microscopy setup. Finally managed to print and assemble the fluorescent cube today. As an aside, accidentally discovered how important illumination of the sample is, because the torch we were using went battery low, and made it pretty much impossible to focus on any image.</div>'));

Revision as of 16:22, 24 July 2015
