Difference between revisions of "Team:Cambridge-JIC/Achievements"

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graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #3: Project Description', $('<div>For a brief description of our project, check out the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Description" class="blue">Overview</a> section... or just surf around our Wiki.</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #3: Project Description', $('<div>For a brief description of our project, check out the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Description" class="blue">Overview</a> section... or just surf around our Wiki.</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #4: Poster', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #4: Poster', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #5: Attribution', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #5: Attribution', $('<div>We/’ve thanked everyone who has helped us along the way on our <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Attributions" class="blue">Attributions</a> page.</div>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #5: Hardware', $('<div>We already have a working prototype of our open source microscope. This is definitely a must-have in every biological laboratory. Improvements and accompanying documentation coming soon! </div> <center> <div class="team"><div class="face" style="background-image: url(//2015.igem.org/wiki/images/9/90/CamJIC-Notebook-Prototype2.jpg)"><div class="blur"></div><div class="profile"><h3>Microscope Prototype</h3><p>First proper prototype of our future microscope. And it is totally working! Currently in bright field mode only, with the stunning resolution of 3 microns. Great teaching tool. Await for its transformation into a proper piece of scientific equipment though!</div></div></div> </center>'));
graph.commit('bronze', 'Bronze #5: Hardware', $('<div>We already have a working prototype of our open source microscope. This is definitely a must-have in every biological laboratory. Improvements and accompanying documentation coming soon! </div> <center> <div class="team"><div class="face" style="background-image: url(//2015.igem.org/wiki/images/9/90/CamJIC-Notebook-Prototype2.jpg)"><div class="blur"></div><div class="profile"><h3>Microscope Prototype</h3><p>First proper prototype of our future microscope. And it is totally working! Currently in bright field mode only, with the stunning resolution of 3 microns. Great teaching tool. Await for its transformation into a proper piece of scientific equipment though!</div></div></div> </center>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #1: Video Tutorial', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #1: Video Tutorial', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #2: Documentation', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #2: Documentation', $('<div>All of the hardware designs and software we’ve come up with to be used in the project can be downloaded freely from our Make Your Own page. We’ve also done extensive measurements and characterisation of OpenScope, which can be found on our <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Hardware" class="blue">Hardware</a> page.</div>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #3: Human Practices', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('silver', 'Silver #3: Human Practices', $('<div>We have looked into the legal framework concerning open-source hardware (OSH) and written the guide “Open-Source Hardware: an iGEM Guide”, a document to help other iGEM teams license their projects. We also developed an interactive tool on our website to help </div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #1: More Human Practices', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #1: More Human Practices', $('<div>We have licensed all of our hardware under an open-source license following our research. Our licensing guide, poster and presentation are also all licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike copyleft license. Take a look at our <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Practices" class="blue">Practices</a> page!</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #2: Use by iGEM Teams', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #2: Use by iGEM Teams', $('<div>Both Glasgow and William and Mary iGEM teams have sent us samples for us to image under OpenScope. We have managed to view them and GFP and RFP fluorescence of those samples. Take a look at our <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Cambridge-JIC/Collaborations" class="blue">Collaborations</a>page for more info</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #3: Previous Project Improvement', $('<div>Work in progress. Coming soon!</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #4: Demonstration at the Jamboree', $('<div>Luckily, one of the major aspects of our microscope is that it is compact, lightweight and easy to carry around with you anywhere. Which means that we are definitely bringing it to the Jamboree!</div>'));
graph.commit('gold', 'Gold #4: Demonstration at the Jamboree', $('<div>Luckily, one of the major aspects of our microscope is that it is compact, lightweight and easy to carry around with you anywhere. Which means that we are definitely bringing it to the Jamboree!</div>'));

Revision as of 11:55, 10 September 2015
